Gravity was a movie that awestruck me when I saw it, yet I have no desire to ever watch it again.
Gravity was a movie that awestruck me when I saw it, yet I have no desire to ever watch it again.
The first four seasons of GoT is some of the best TV ever made. The rest of it, much less so.
No, it’s not like that at all. Marvel is McDonald’s because it’s a world-spanning behemoth that creates consistently decent, consumable product. Marvel doesn’t get to be the multi-billion dollarleviathan and the buzzy little guy at the same time.
For sure, and if you look at the evolution of front offices since Moneyball it’s not at all surprising, but it’s funny to look at how quaint “walks are good, actually” looks compared to how things have become.
I’m sure that some Cornell-bred asshole screaming “U MAD BRO” at a group of female reporters is *exactly* the sabermetric future Billy Beane envisioned when he thought to move Scott Hatteberg to first base.
He did a fantastic job of calling the last out of the 2016 World Series, an event 100+ years in the making. A much better job, I should begrudgingly note, than beloved Cubs radio guy Pat Hughes. Joe Buck is a perfectly cromulent broadcaster.
An emotionally tense deep dive on the origins of her obsession with the color purple.
It’s hard to win a World Series, even for teams as good as the Dodgers have been for the last half-decade or so. A lot of breaks have to go your way.
The lesson here is that celebrities, for the most part, are very dumb. They don’t have to be smart! They’re rich and often physically attractive, they can be as stupid as they want and not worry about it.
I was disappointed not to find any other articles with the “Power Mind: Unfold the Infinite” tag.
I’m not gonna top that one. Have a star.
I think that he should be vilified, actually.
You’ve already put more thought into this than Gladwell did.
Smart dumb guy is a perfect descriptor.
It’s enjoyable, but it’s also pretty obvious that Brace is a huge moron. Still, I love listening to them go down the rabbit holes.
I assure you it is not.
I uh, don’t get that impression.
Fortunately for Yankees fans, the Cowboys are off to a good start and the Lakers are looking stacked. You’ll have plenty to root for after October.
I used to have this vision of a Nolan Batman movie with Andy Dick as the Riddler. I’m not a smart man.
I’m sure this is what will bring him down. Why don’t we bring back the Drumpf thing while we’re at it?