The FedEx Pope

I was a child in the 90s, so my recollection is definitely suspect, but the whole “end of history” feeling really did seem to apply. Things were going fine and the only people who worried about the kinds of things you laid out were labelled as cranks. 

Every high school boy in the early 2000s was legally required to own Office Space, Fight Club, and the Matrix on DVD.

I think he’s forced his way into the conversation, and it seems like a two horse race between him and Poch. 

I haven’t been up there since this past summer, but it was starting to look like Schaumburg back then. I used to live in that area, and it’s kind of astonishing to see how much it’s changed, even in the last year or two.

Introducing permanent seventh inning stretch singer James Woods!

Gotta pander to the “Fox News dads from Lake County portion of the fan base, I guess.

Oh I didn’t think you were being offensive at all. It’s really hard to say what’s going on with 2015 Hays. Probably some combo of dementia and PTSD?

I’ve kinda wondered if Hays played up his dementia at times, too, but I assumed I was just being insensitive to/ignorant of how dementia works.

It would be funny, not in a ha-ha way, if Zach Snyder made a grim, dour Space Ghost movie.

It’s a shame that Birdman was a dumb navel-gazing movie rather than a live action adaptation of the Hanna Barbera cartoon.

For some reason, I used to lump High on Fire in with the Deafhavens of the word. I was, uh, mistaken to do that.

Especially in contrast to how good Ali’s old man makeup has been. Dorff looked like Johnny Knoxville in the Bad Grandpa makeup.

If the weird Steve Buscemi scene from Billy Madison couldn’t spark a Telephone Line comeback, nothing will.

Eh, I liked the Dawn of the Dead remake. I don’t think it was either ambitious or bad.

The most perplexing thing about this movie is Michael Shannon having Nicolas Cage’s haircut from Face/Off. What’s the deal with that?

Ticket to Cooperstown for Brady Anderson: booked.

Their version of Africa sounds like a lobotomized version of the original.

Please stop doing this, Weezer.

It’s like the show gets off on being withholding. 

“Tropics obsessed lunatic” is now my go-to description of Jimmy Buffett.