The FedEx Pope

No Dave Matthews? I guess they don't have chill bros, Jeep Cherokees, and lacrosse in Great Britain, either?

For some reason, the 1997 song that stands out to me most was Smashing Pumpkins' "Eye" from the Lost Highway soundtrack. Q101 (RIP) played that five times a day and I couldn't get enough of it.

I had the same experience as a Bulls fan born in 1987. Going to the Finals and winning was just the way the season ended.

I watched that! I loved Joshua Tree to the point my mom had to hide the CD from me because I listened to it too much so I was really excited to watch that U2 thing. It was really boring.

Californication was such a boringly competent record. Everything they've put out since has been some shade of beige because of it.

I think media coverage of the failed Popmart tour is one of my strongest 1997 memories.

I don't think Sean O'Neil knows what reggaeton is.

I get that it's a response to the the worship of guitar-dominated bands that's gone on since rock criticism became a thing, but come on. Pick a better hill to die on than Katy Perry - Modern Genius.

I think there were some other houses at my school who had law/grad students as their house dads. At least one of those houses ended up getting their charter pulled.

It’s a little bit different for Greek houses. House directors are usually real adults who live in-house mostly for liability reasons. My fraternity’s house director was a 70 year old woman who was mostly there to make sure we didn’t burn the place down.

Yeah, hating him is a dumb internet meme that stopped being funny a while ago. He's fine and his show is easy to ignore if you want to.

Obscure comedians are only good for one thing: spewing poorly thought out reasons to dislike songs on this very website.

Neither of them are actually in the video but their "I Live With My Dad" song really hits that weird/funny intersection.

I know from experience, dude.

That song rules. I grew out of my Led Zeppelin phase a long time ago, but I still have time for Achilles' Last Stand.

I love Face/Off but there's no way I would put it over Boogie Nights.

I think Kenny Powers captured my disdain for that movie well: "You named your daughter after fuckin' Titanic?"

Fire Down Below is one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. Seagal at his best/worst.

Yeah, the second one was funny even if it did hit a lot of the same gags as the first. The third one was unbearable.

Gah, the King's Speech. I can't think of a more shamelessly Oscar Bait movie.