When they said Butler had the potential to be “the next Arrieta” they obviously meant 2017 Arrieta, not 2015 Arrieta.
When they said Butler had the potential to be “the next Arrieta” they obviously meant 2017 Arrieta, not 2015 Arrieta.
Good, maybe it's not too late for my brain to go back to normal.
George RRR Martin.
Not only are Prince videos on YouTube, but you can finally watch Morris Day and The Time videos again!
Besides, if we were to domesticate an animal to replace dogs, the obvious choice would be bears.
He's great as a Chapo guest. I feel legitimately bad for him sometimes when Nick and Stav are piling on him. The race-realist Jay Leno bit from the bonus Chapo had me rolling.
hey bb
I'm not sure what was worse, the N64's overly polygon'd 3D graphics or the PS1's blurry, half-assed 3D graphics.
did the fedexpope 'go 2 far'? is 'commenterwave' over?
I think we might be a little too far into the weeds here.
Person Pitch was sort of proto-chillwave, but Panda Bear vs. The Grim Reaper is not very chill, I agree.
I liked Panda Bear vs The Grim Reaper a lot. I saw him at Pitchfork a few months after it came out, which probably isn't the best venue to see him, but he still sounded fine. I haven't listened to the new Washed Out yet, either, but I'll probably give it a listen soon.
Chillwave is kinda passe these days, I guess? I still listen to Panda Bear and Washed Out sometimes, but it doesn't really feel current anymore.
I wouldn't say I *miss* Hipster Runoff, but I'm sort of sad that it's gone in a weird way. Some sort of stupid nostalgia for the late aughts/early 2010s, I guess.
I cannot accept that as true.
That's correct regardless of the decade.
It's not like domestic cats are a major threat to indigenous wildlife or anything. http://www.motherjones.com/…
Yeah, we're just gonna have to re-use Get Lucky this year since nothing else stepped up.
Woozle wuzzle?
I agree with everything you say. I think it was aspiring to be some sort of Guy Richie type crime caper, came well short, but was kinda fun anyway.