Her descent into madness, along with the hints that she's getting fat from drinking too much, are among my favorite bits of AFFC.
Her descent into madness, along with the hints that she's getting fat from drinking too much, are among my favorite bits of AFFC.
On the other hand, you gotta respect the way he catches all that rye.
Yup, he didn't have any sort of ideology, he was just good at hunting Jews so that's what he did.
That's a bingo!
Jericho's rise to prominence in WCW coincide with my "wrestling phase" and I loved him. The Walls Of Jericho is one of my all time favorite moves.
Stan Rizzo was the true hero of Mad Men.
Patrick Ewing, too.
Davos is pretty competent, even if it's on a smaller scale.
Really, either Tywin, Ned, or Jon Arryn would've been a better king than Robert. Unfortunately, none of them had a remotely plausible claim, and Robert did.
Stannis kind of struck me as a JV Tywin. He had the ruthlessness down, but he didn't have the mind for political strategy.
Aw, how could you hate Paulie?
Part of Pete Campbell's appeal, to me at least, is that he was sort of an underdog despite being an obnoxious child of privilege. He's not at handsome or charming as Don or Kenny Cosgrove, yet he hangs in there. Yes, he obviously sucks, but I was always kinda rooting for him.
I re-listened to the Hunter yesterday and I can confirm that it's mostly good. Not every track does it for me, but it's more good than not. The two bonus tracks from the limited edition are probably better than any of the actual album cuts.
Coincidentally, I was just thinking about how stupid the 12 tracks of silence thing at the beginning of Korn's Follow The Leader was. So, so 90s.
That sounds like an insane superhero origin story.
Isn't the new Uptown alderman that nutjob Cappelman who hates pigeons? Anyway, they have to do something with the Uptown theater. I don't know how much sense it makes to turn in to a music hall with the Riv and Aragon right there, but they gotta do something with it. As far as the Wilson Men's Hotel goes, aren't they…
Like the weird kickball scene in Billy Madison.
This was so, so good. More writing like this, please, AV Club.
The Homan Square black site is/was terrifying.
I was born in Kansas City and live in Chicago. I must be extra tough!