I miss Smith Westerns. Sure a lot of their songs kinda sounded the same, but I liked it!
I miss Smith Westerns. Sure a lot of their songs kinda sounded the same, but I liked it!
I think I find Young Thug annoying more than anything. I really don't get how people listen to him and enjoy themselves. Obviously, I'm the one who's wrong because he's pretty popular, but I don't think I'll ever get him.
I blew out a car speaker listening to Move That Dope. Big time banger.
Well, I guess I have to go drink some bleach now.
Move That Dope is his best song, so they probably should've added that to this list.
That's basically how I feel about him, too. It all sort of blends together and sounds same-y when I listen to a whole album.
I will never see the appeal of Young Thug, but enough people love him that I've given up on trying to convince people that he sucks. It makes me come across a contrarian dick, and working on my contrarian dickishness was a New Year's resolution.
How did I miss Samwell Tarly as a George RR Martin stand-in? It's so obvious.
The greatest joke ever told.
Ah, so u persecute Bruce_The_Bruce just because he has different beliefs? Do tell. (girls get mad at me) Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm trying to remove it.
I liked Lore, but it sort of fell out of my rotation lately, too. I think all the stories kind of ended up being the same after a while.
It's a Frasier and Niles Crane situation, where they're brothers who are both doctors and act catty towards one another
Paul's Boutique is great and I love it. Ill Communication, to me at least, takes what they were doing on Check Your Head and improving on it.
I think that's why I love it. There's enough weirdness in there to keep it from getting boring. Tropicalia is still a good song.
Stand Up is so bad. I'm not a Dave Mathews fan, but his first three albums are all pretty good. Everyday was a turd, and then Stand Up was a turd wrapped in another bigger, smellier turd.
Queens of the Stone Age.
Hmm, Ill Communication is my favorite Beastie Boys album and one of my favorite albums overall, so I may have to disagree with you on that one.
AM is a good record, but came out four years ago so I'm not really sure what to make of Arctic Monkeys.
Green and Maladroit are both pretty good and get too much crap for not being Blue/Pinkerton.
Very much the same for me. No thanks to Bright Eyes.