
So without batteries, can we rest assured that the Lancer doesn't pick up chicks anymore?

abbeynormality must be used to hearing about "nails meeting heads."

For some reason, last night while listening to its theme song and watching some stuff for Mirror's Edge, I think I'm going to get that over Resistance.

Deserved every bit.

I was afraid it would end up like this...

It was funnier with Tom Cruise.

Toto lyrics for the huge win. Very nicely implemented. I positively can't wait for this to hit Japanese shores.

Did they ever realize, somewhere along the development process, that they were attempting to shoehorn 'M' rated content into a 'T' rated game?

"Son, we just crossed the street."

I'd vote for this.

@Soulgenesis: Mustard controller is soooo next gen.

Thought there'd be more diarrhea jokes in this thread. For shame Kotaku!

I almost spit my toothpaste out when I saw the price.

I can't see the last four pictures. Are any of them more awesome than katamari damacy?

Not so much the Cliff article, but the piece as a whole—really interesting read from a layperson's viewpoint on game development.

@questworld: This guy got it right. Somebody frame that shit.

@Haber: "Socks in combat theaters have changed..."

As long as your PSN is grounded in the states, Home should be as well. I've got a Japanese PS3, but not having access to English programming, or features from the US is a problem I've yet to see.

What took them so long?