
I think this is pretty likely.

Since there's no actual action on this…it's not professional oddsmaking. Just for fun on a pop culture website.

Well, GRRM also has "Show Armor" on top of that. If he did plan on something unpopular (like, say burning Shireen alive), the show does it first, so it's all "Fucking D&D! I'm going to post how done I am with this garbage show on every site I visit!".

The Internet ones will since they charge a fee to be part of the action (site sign-up charge, non 1-1 exchange between real money and site 'chips').

Legitimate Vegas books? Yeah, no. Offshore or Internet books? Yes, although for many, they just lay odds but won't take any action on them.

I'd say the show will move back towards conventional TV on that. A big part of the "well, maybe, maybe not…" from earlier seasons was the show seemed reluctant to confirm the fate of characters that could still be alive for the next book. With no book in between seasons the show seems to have settled into "fuck it,

That…that makes too much sense! Because although Cersei should back down - given the Lannister army is in Riverrun and the Tyrell army is in the city - she won't. Another win/win for the Sparrow.

I took that to mean "Edmure, as the heir to a house allied to the Starks, is considered a target on par with an actual Stark by the Stark's enemies"


I thought that picture of him in the article was a screen cap from some 90's computer game like Duke Nukem

That is how I read it too - they were hedging their bets for sure. Usually, no body means they're still alive, but this show in particular, had to move at a different pace and be careful about definitive moments with a book on the horizon. Now that there won't be a book this season (or maybe ever), Stannis deader

I believe this is a proper spot for the obligatory "it can be two things"

Wait…Zack Snyder misunderstand or ignore subtext? The hell you say!

I think Yara and Theon are going to take Victarion's plot - they're sailing for Mereen

Renly was married to his sister. I'd put more on Oleanna and Margaery pushing for King Renly than Loras (although in the show he was the conduit for the Tyrell's desire to be part of the ruling dynasty).

It's more that he's an icon of the Christian theocracy than an exact match. There isn't a good analog, really, because no one on the religious right has anywhere near the presence of a Jonathan Pryce. If they did, we wouldn't be sweating 'President Trump'.

Lady Stoneheart will come back. She'll capture Brienne who will tell her about Sansa. Like the Kingsmoot, no need to introduce her until she's important to the plot, and also, I think they delayed her to make Jon's 'death' seem permanent by not introducing the idea that major players can just be resurrected at any

True. If it goes that way though, it'll probably be Tommen who makes the call, not Cersei (much to her annoyance)

What about Pycelle? He's one more side eye away from getting a visit from Ser Gregor.

Or Margaery offers to have the trial by combat to avoid bloodshed as the two sides face off, but yeah, in any event the High Sparrow isn't going to get killed this week.