Fearless Fosdick

I didn't know ZMF was a Rick & Morty character.

Maybe it's only *mostly* super-dead.

Thank you, I'll check it out. I would also recommend Paul Slansky's The Clothes Have No Emperor: A Chronicle of the American ’80s, which painstakingly documents every ridiculous thing that Reagan did and said between 80-88, as well as all the dirty tricks going on behind his goofy facade.
Similiar to the Times' list

But does he have the belt that gives him all the powers of Foreigner?

His face creepily reminds me of Andy Partridge (who I love), but some Harry Knowles DNA got into the cloner somehow.

Oddly enough, if he ever came across Ginger Baker, he'd get the living crap kicked out of him.

He wrote songs for One Direction. If he ever had any indie cred, it's long gone now.

That first Oscar is a doozy!

There are NO new steps!

Was that Robin Scherbatsky's first news segment?

If only The Space Pope was here to tell us…

I got a Jon Peters notification for this?


Sic Transit Vir.

I got a Julie Delpy's boobs notification for this?

No S, O, U or P for you!

Curiously, if you accidentally type "Mazon.com", you get some accounts receivable company in Dallas.

Which one has the condemned criminals digging at each other with rusty hooks?

Closing that mecha gap with Japan…

P! O! E!