Fearless Fosdick

He's stronger than ten strong addicts!

Cotton Fitzsimmons would.

Aqua Velva! Aqua Fresh! Aqua, the cheesy Danish pop band!

But will it appeal to Ego, The Living Planet?

Hey, Virj, no hard feelings, but we're goin' with the big-head thing. Already got a record deal and everything.

I always go back to a comment from Meth Lab Shenanigans:

How bizarre. I just bought a bunch of Jarritos sodas for the first time. I'm loving the lime, guava and mandarin flavors, and pineapple isn't bad either. Still on the fence about trying the tamarind, though.
Thanks for the timely article, Lorena.

Please don't call me Reg.
It's not my name.

Listen, I'm getting impatient, John!

Sun beer! Perfect for..

But if it stops, what's stopping it, and what's behind what's stopping it?


Don't let them near the W.O.P.R.

I would think you'd have enough problems with your cactus hands poking holes in the cups.

Username checks out.

Stop using all that alt-physics!

Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: No.

Or have a fungineering degree.


They're straws ahead!