Fearless Fosdick

But those Polish bison aren't easy to come by.

I'll have a double vodka with a shot of vodka, please.

I am blown!
Bloooown over! Blown, Kevin!

"My memory's not what it used to be, but I think the entire Earth was destroyed."
"Interesting, if true!"

"Time's up, Admiral!"
"Here it comes."

Saw it and 2010 on the same weekend. Odd that 2010 turned out to be the better film.

I only ever saw her again in a Sopranos episode. She would have been the right age to play adult Alia in the SyFy miniseries, if they'd wanted to go that way.

I wouldn't even necessarily say that. The Baron of the book was extremely intelligent, the movie just portrayed him as a raving lunatic.

I think Herbert had only gotten up to God Emperor of Dune when the encyclopedia came out, does anyone know if there were updated versions?

Sam gives us the inside scoop.

You've definitely got some color.

Any trailer over about a minute, you've pretty much seen the film.

Oprah Winfrey Real Doll?

Not that one.

Stride Mother: The Origin.

Why does the animated version look like some hideous cross between Trump and Hillary?

♫ It's D-O-N-A-L-D,
Just K-I-L-L me! ♫

Down with the Fatriarchy!

Hey, look mister, we serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast. And we don't need any characters around to give the joint atmosphere. Is that clear?

Louie Spence.