
I saw the hijab/phone thing coming. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen Muslim women use their hjiab as a phone holder.Still I always wonder where they hide a charger!

I also assumed that Sophia was being transferred to Max since she was warned that starting a flood and the a fire were " transfer to Max offenses"

I thought they really skipped over Taystee's storyline of how she had a difficult time reintegrating herself into regular life after being in prison so I wonder if they will use Aleida explore that

Danielle Brooks studied at Juilliard along with Samira who plays Poussey

Tastyee is easily my favorite character on the show. I thought she was underutilized last season I would have loved to have seen more scenes with her.

I agree that the pop culture references seem a bit odd given their isolation from pop culture outside one shared tv. I think the show takes place in 2013/2014? ( Piper mentions missing Mad Men in prison) So hashtags fine, Cosby being a primarily known as a rapist not so much and while Game of Thrones was on the air I

Maybe tampons are a special comisary item?

Yes it was a great moment and I wish the episode referenced that in some way

Each season is like 3 months maybe? Season 1 covered October to December, Season 2 covered December to maybe April? Season 3 started on Mother's Day in May and it was still summer in Season 4.

I also wish they had connected the dots a little bit more with Maria's shift in identity. She used to be more apart from the other prisoners in Spanish Harlem since her storyline focused on her relationship with Yadriel and her daughter and then subsequently losing them both. I dont knoe if her change came from her

Well thatade sense given the flashback took place 30 years ago. Also the show is brilliant with casting younger mini mes who look so similar to the original cast

I figured that put a few years ago and it would bug me more if not for the fact that they are such great actresses and really sell the mother/daughter relationship

Made put of a tampon cardboard. I swear period products are the Swiss army knives of Litchfield

Stella and Nicky are busy hatefucking while Ms Claudette looks on disaprovingly

To say nothing of the backlog of rape kits that remain untested. Many rape cases never make it to trial despite an abundance of evidence

I agree with you but I'm guessing that with the faceless she'd spend her whole life second guessing when someone was trying to kill her but if she confronted the waif at least it would be over once she kills her.

I think it's significant that Brandon no longer has an animal he can easily warg into.

I definitely think we are going to get Brienne being hanged by Stonehart as a cliffhanger the end of this season however it's going to be weird because unlike in the books Brienne actually found Sansa and Arya

Also he was like 4 in the beginning of the story which is proof that 4 year are going to make silly decisions

Sansa should get Winterfell. She has earned that right.