
Rory's an affable introvert and her best friend was her mother. She never really needed to have a lot of peer-aged friends.

That size sounds about right. I suspect there were a lot of people who just weren't into all the Stars Hallow zaniness. It was close enough to Harford to be a bedroom community.

This was in the pre-office era where the rule was you had to keep the will they/won't they couple apart through every contrivance known to man even though the entire cast and audience is screaming "just do it already!" I am eternally grateful the office for showing you could have Jim and Pam together and happily

Rory was single for what, 5-6 episodes? She always had some guy waiting in the wings.

And then Paris, Lane and Rory all got drunk on spiked punch? it was amusing.

Paris kind of just grew more awesome with each passing year.

I don't think the show ever acknowledged it but Emily was always going on crazy shopping sprees when she was upset. At one point Richad did something that made her upset so she tried to buy a plane.

Also Veronica Mars, Community,

I will always rank Jesse higher in creep factor than Dean. Jesse had major boundary issues. And he was such an ass

I think that the "I love you" thing was just he was a very immature and inexperienced teenage boy in his first serious relationship.

Gilmore Girls was one of my favorite favorite shows growing up and I so identified with Rory initially but hot damn if that character didn't get more annoying and entitled and dense as she got older.

Yeah pretty much. It's like a female in a position of power and isn't overtly sexual in a sci-fi narrative is just begging for fans to hate her.

I've never gotten into Dr. Who so I'm going to fess up to complaining about something I've got no knowledge of but the fact that a alien always reincarnates into a young white man seems pretty boring after a while.

Well that she's the token female in a role where men are the default and so of course She's the Worst. And there's likely no other female doctors to compare her to. Reminiscent of all the haterade for Captain Janeway or other female characters who break the mold and are resented by male fans

I really didn't see even one jerk behavior from Britta. She was awesome and supportive to Troy the entire time.

I actually thought Britta was being pretty awesome in this episode, not a jerk. She was very supportive of Troy and empathized with what he needed. It was kind of a nice contrast to Annie's fantasy life of what a relationship with Jeff vs Britta and Troy who actually communicate their issues and support each other.

I was really annoyed with the Annie storyline because I thought she had finally come to the realization in the dreamatorium episode that she doesn't so much as want Jeff as she wants the idea of him, the idea he would someday fix himself into the perfect boyfriend for her. The writers seemed to have disregarded this