
The only people in this comment thread with fragile masculinity ain’t the Dodge fans. 

Yeah, some seriously defensive people here. 

With green fender guards and a speaker making exhaust sounds. Perhaps a plastic cover over the Frunk that says “HEMI”

Wow!  Did a Dodge molest you as a child?

Not every brand can be Subaru so if this is what it takes to get the other half of the population into more efficient cars I’m fine with it

Most of the time you lose discounts if you pay with cash. Tom has tons of articles on here about the vast benefits of financing a car versus paying cash, especially with rates this low. 

Hell, yes. When I’m 57, I’m definitely taking out a dumb loan to buy something nice.

1st: The example given, of the late middle-aged gentleman dumping his problematic old Odyssey for a nice used RX350 only after he confirmed his retirement plan was holding up and apparently had some savings to make a down payment... Not really a bad scenario, right? I’m trying to find fault with him. If the loan was

Kinda. But it’s a holistic picture, and to have a really good credit score, you need to have a diversity of credit history.

I think the ‘manual’ part went extinct for most loans a while ago.

Cool, great, but that’s not realistic for the vast majority of borrowers.

Taking out a loan to buy a depreciating asset isn’t optimal

People are taking out larger and larger loans for cars because cars cost more and wages have been stagnant for a decade. We have a national public transit infrastructure designed around the concept of “don’t have a car? sucks to be you I guess” so a car is pretty much required, and as y’all have pointed out, right now

Isn’t 1st gear a good sign? It means people are feeling confident that they can actually pay back a loan. I don’t think a lot of people take on a loan knowing they have no chance of paying it off, even if it’s shaky they at least believe they’ve got a chance. A bunch of people suddenly deciding to borrow money for a

My favorite thing is you said “don’t be a Highlight Truther or you’re a piece of shit, it’s immediately followed by Highlight Truthers lol

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

The extending of his legs and reaching arm simply give the impression of gaining more height. Do you even physics bro? #iwannabelieve

These are for all sports where participants wear helmets:

You dropped this ——>    /s

Look, if the cop told the kid to ‘Freeze’, and he was holding ‘anti-freeze’, how is that not blatant failure to comply? Easy grounds for opening fire.