
Multiple studies have shown that cyclists break traffic laws at similar rates to drivers. Basically everyone is still a human.

I was there all day Saturday, I was also there on Saturday in September. Both similar experiences. The PA system made somewhat regular announcements about distancing and masking if you were near people and away from your group or base of operations.

I can only assume your use of “moran” was to trigger humorless dipshits.

It’s a joke, son.

You’re in “rural” Ohio.

It was a joke, champ.

Did you honestly expect most people to be wearing masks?  Not debating if people should or not, just wondering if others expect mass mask wearing outdoors at this point.  My expectation at this point is most people have given up and just don’t care anymore.  I wear mine indoors, but outdoors at an event like this I

Yes, I agree that fleet vehicles in general are good use cases. They usually have fixed routes, many of them are city-bound, and they usually go back to the same yard every night, where chargers can be easily installed.

Why would they do that? Oshkosh already has the know-how and personnel and previously has dealt with the gov on tons of contracts. I’d rather see it go here vs some hoity toity electric start up that would probably F something up. At this point even modern ICEs would at least blow the Iron Dukes 3mpg out of the water. 

Mail delivery (and in town delivery) trucks in general are probably the best use case for electric fleets right now. The same goes for sanitation trucks, street sweepers, etc. Even local service vehicles like the van the local plumber uses can (and should) be electrified as soon as possible.


What these automated systems need is some sort of set path, through a major thoroughfare, where they don’t have to deal with other drivers, or really, any unexpected things-

Wow. Classic one-sided, stick to the party line without any critical thinking. Kind of like the idiots who toed the MAGA line without thinking about it. You know nothing about me or my ascestors yet you pass judgement. I won’t argue with your (wrong) interpretations or judgements because arguing with someone who

You win this time New Jersey and Oregon.

Drink enough Scotch and you don’t care what anything tastes like. 

Reminder that the pipeline has 45 day reserve tanks along it for this exact situation. There was never a supply shortage,”

“Hero” for stopping the law from being enforced? Absolutely not. I’m a huge advocate for more immigration into the US (especially from Mexico, Central, and South America). We are a nation of immigrants and our culture grows through immigration as does our economy. There is literally no downside to increased

people are getting hurt through questionable choices involving fuel hoarding”

Unfortunately we get in the way of Darwin FFFAAAAARRRRR too often, and this is just one more example. Pontiac, stolen plate, 28 year old woman, stupid enough to hoard gas AND run from the cops......I’m sure she has sadly already procreated.

off topic that 6001lb tax break is a huge fucking scam and that loophole needs to be closed. that its important enough for a physician and an attorney to want to abuse it shows more than enough its not working as intended. at least plenty of people are calling him out for his tax dodging bullshit.