They won't, fool me four times, shame on you. Fool me five times, shame on me.
They won't, fool me four times, shame on you. Fool me five times, shame on me.
It's pure magnetism.
According to Forbes T5 is tanking in China too.
Are you ready for a Play-Doh movie?
Too late.
This one was previewed on Tuesday. Before you know it, it will be on Mondays.
Because then it would be better run.
It looks like Russia might have.
Could be worse. It could have been in the empty evil times.
Nah, it's flopping there too.
China is skipping the film according to an article in Forbes.
Sonic was doing ads where one of the two goofballs was dressed as a red car.
I think different ones are painted different colors. For example Bumblebee, which is getting the first spin-off, is painted yellow and black.
BOM usually waits until Sunday before reporting the weekend BO.
Gal Godot was in the Fast and Furious and Fast and Furious 6.
Often directors prefer to cast a relative unknown. Christopher Reeve and Henry Cavill as Superman, Chris Evans as Captain America. Because people see the character first, and not an actor playing the character. Joss Whedon is also considering an unknown for Batgirl. Plus casting an unknown is cheaper.
That was what Steve Trevor was in the movie for. It's similar to the Lois Lane in the bathtub scene in Superman v Batman.
Looking the part also plays a factor. I doubt Meryl Streep would make a convincing Wonder Woman despite having been nominated for 20 Academy Awards and winning three of them.
All that is required of an actor is they are believable in the role they are playing. Gal Gadot fulfilled that requirement. Just as Christopher Reeve was a believable Superman and Chris Evans is a believable Captain America.
The problem with your list is Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton are way too old to play Wonder Woman and even Charlize Theron is pushing it. Jennifer Lawrence is the only one that would fit the part and I am guessing she wasn't available at the time. But even at that she looks too American. Wonder Woman should be…