Rex the Wonder Dog

What about Jag and Southland?

Get a springboard like George Reeves used back in the 1950s.

I think they did go with prosthetics for JJ in later episodes.

Oh come on, nothing is worse than Arrow. Arrow is their weakest CB show. Just dump Arrow and run Supergirl instead.

Cat Grant is okay, but Supergirl and Martian Manhunter are the best part of the show.

In an interview Andrew Kreisberg said Supergirl lobotomized Non. So it's confirmed Non is alive but brain damaged by Supergirl.

How about Zor-El?

According to an interview with Andrew Kreisberg, Supergirl lobotomized Non. I got the idea that a brain damaged Non will be back if there is a next season.

Yeah, that's it. Superman has more experience surviving in space. This is Supergirl's first time in space. She will learn as time goes on.