87 Octane! This is so great!
87 Octane! This is so great!
Octopus took my baby?
Sadly, I was not cool enough to be allowed to like Pavement. All the Pavement fanboys/men were very dismissive. Like, how could I possible like Pavement? I mean, I didn't even have my own 'zine or anything.
I don't remember what year it was now (1998?), but I was talking to Harvey Weinstein's first wife, who was a customer at a store that I was managing at the time. We were talking about the Academy Awards, for some reason, and she mentioned that it was going to be tough to beat "last year" (The English Patient). She…
I think it's entirely probably that this guy has no idea what he's talking about.
Little known fact: Carly Rae Jepsen is actually older that Tom Hanks & was the inspiration for his character in Bosom Buddies.
My son: "Wow. Kidz Bop goes on like forever."
We have some Le Creuset that we received as a wedding gift. It's nice and all, but it doesn't wear well on the interior. Plus, we actually cook, so we prefer Lodge. Cast iron should be cast iron.
"a U.S. market that still doesn't have the right product mix"
I guess I'm really old, because Metallica losing Best Hard Rock/Metal to Jethro Tull said it all.
If it happened to me, I would go with it. Change all my accounts. But not the last name. Just "SuperBitch."
Dumb name. As in "Bucket of ..."?
I'm only a casual football fan, and I've been know to argue that a coaches obsession with a running game is stupid and that a team should pass exclusively. But then I saw Lynch and I understood why you run the ball.
Can't believe I missed that ...
We have the elephant and the frog. They're great.
We have the elephant and the frog. They're great.
Unfortunately I have kids, and that means I need Disney Channel. It's the only channel I need. Like literally the only one. That and all of my network on-demand apps require that I verify cable subscription.
See that's my point. I don't watch ESPN, and I'm tired of paying my cable provider for 3 ESPN channels. At least I think it's three. God help me if I'm also getting the Ocho.
You could be right, and I could have this completely backwards. Like they'll be able to charge more and be more flush with cash and buy up all the championships and serve up even more crap coverage.
Just a few more years, folks. HBO, Showtime, etc are slowly forcing the cable providers to go a-la carte. When that happens, you will see ESPN's revenue drop substantially as all the people who don't ever watch the station will drop it. Which will result in a direct loss of revenue.