
Now that it’s been typed, I worry I’ve set the ball in motion for it to happen.

I kind of assumed that they’d eventually have to confront the people that find them insufficiently racist.

She’s either trying to figure out the most sufficient way to suck out her daughter’s youth, or simply keeping an eye on her cash cow. 

I don’t have any real emotions about it, but he always seemed FAR too normal to be able to live with her manic behavior for long.

Who...thought she was interesting...

To far too many people, break/make up IS the relationship. They think if they aren’t constantly acting out the season cliffhanger of Gossip Girls it’s not “real.”

I’m feminist as fuck and am an amazing cook and have a plethora of aprons. I also scrub a mean toilet. That doesn’t make me a sad little regressive wifey, it makes grownup who knows how to do basic tasks required for human survival. I also can do basic plumbing, I took my oven clear apart the fix the damn thing, and I

Horrible boss set me up with a blind date from HELL. He was supposed to be a charming, successful & handsome lawyer. He was a an unemployed creep with no job, no personality and no clue.

I’m 39 and would love it if someone I was dating made me a mix cd/playlist.  Especially if they nailed what I liked.

Yep. And I still looked like a child, as a late bloomer. Have you ever seen how boat gas gets pumped, you have to bend over so far, almost like touching your toes and sometimes even climb into the boats. Gross adult men would “help” me by grabbing onto my waist to guide me into or out of the boat. It was customary to

Good God. I hope you got to marry a Victorian hottie out of this arrangement, at least!

where I had to pump boat gas in a bikini

I had a summer job EDITING A PHONE BOOK. I was given a printed stack about 18" tall, 10 pt font, of requested edits and flagged formatting errors in the previous year’s version, then I used extremely janky software to fix it.

The first summer out of high school, I worked as a groom in a stable. There were only a dozen horses, but a dozen horses can put you through quite a workout when you’re by yourself. In the interview, the owner said, “You may have to ride up to five hours a day,” which sounded FAB to me. I didn’t realize I’d have to

I worked for a while at an Ice Cream Shoppe. I had the most junior position, the scooper, partly because I’m a big guy with forearms that could wrestle the still-frozen stuff out of the tubs. The server jobs were the ones you wanted because tip$. I was pretty young and the place was often packed, so I had to move the

I worked that and the merry go round. Stopped the King’s procession once because a kid had just got all 3 rings right before they were walking by. The king hated me, the queen thought it was hot, and the kid was just thrilled by the attention.

This just sounds like one of my old roomates.

Summer after Senior year in high school, I worked at a Renaissance Fair in the south. I operated the Dragon Ride, where folks would climb up to a tall platform and climb aboard a wooden dragon on a rope, kind of like a zip line only the dragon sat on the rope with wheels and the person sat on the dragon. I

I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. Any dad who would take a gun and patrol the house based on a child's description of claw-hand Abe Lincoln must have really loved his kid, despite any tenseness toward the end.