Whaaaaat...so that's how Sam just got done in? These kids are all a hot mess.
Whaaaaat...so that's how Sam just got done in? These kids are all a hot mess.
From the Guardian
"To deny the reality that women have always sought their right to reproductive freedom—long before feminism "infected" post-modern ideology—is not only to be on the wrong side of history, it's to ignore that history exists."
My grandmother was the go-to person if you were a girl "in trouble." She would never tell me the full concoction she used to induce abortions, only that it was "safe and clean." Her whole thing was about helping people rather than go to a back-alley doctor. (One nearly killed my aunt. It's a miracle she was able to…
I will watch the SHIT out of that musical.
Sooooooo creepy right? He's basically like, bang me or I will literally burn you alive. Now THAT'S a fucked up villain.
I'm coming out of lurkerdom for this because I love love love this movie. Everyone always says Ariel changed herself to get a man, but that's not true at all. She wanted to be a human before she ever met Prince Eric; in fact, she sings an entire song about it right before she goes to the surface and spies him in his…
Absolutely. It's No Child Left Behind. It's a disaster for problem solving.
Seriously, you could not pay me enough to go to a store or busy shopping center on Black Friday. Hell no. I'm firmly generation Get Off My Lawn.
I love all these pieces conplaining about Millennials because they're really complaining about Boomers. We're spoiled because our Boomer parents spoiled us. We're materialistic because older generations marketed shit to us relentlessly.
Riiiight?! It's like, talk to me about Millennials when the Boomers clean up the environment that they ruined.
Kids these days have borne the brunt of No Child Left Behind. I tutor kids for the SAT, and they are mostly interested in what the right answer is. I do my best not to ever feed them the answers because they shut down on learning once they know. "Oh, it's D. NEXT!"
Boomers voted in Reagan.
Parents blaming their children for things that happened before they were born.
I am not prone to defending millennials as a rule. But blaming them for Black Friday shopping madness is .... well, madness.
I feel like there's a real intellectual laziness to blaming people who have no or very limited social power for all the problems in the world (i.e. PC feminists, lazy minorities, jobless recent college grads). If the world sucks right now, chances are that the people who actually make the laws and declare the wars and…
LOL, Boomers blaming shit on Millenials, LOL.
Strange. If my Facebook feed says anything it's that millennials abhor thanksgiving shopping and don't understand why people don't just get Black Friday deals online and not deal with crowds. Millennials seem to also prefer local business/ artisanal blah blah blah over wal mart, at least in urban environments.
Does this mean my parents get to blame Reagan on me, then?