Or Bill Maher, I'd wager.
Or Bill Maher, I'd wager.
Really sick of this smug attitude that "facts" are a masculine thing. People who believe this wouldn't know rationality or objectivity if it shat on their fedora.
Of all the things I've read/seen in various dystopian works of fiction, I never thought clown gangs would be the thing that came true.
That's legitimately terrifying.
This is such a good point, it got me thinking. Why don't they? Why don't people who are against stem cell research picket fertility centers where un-implanted embryos are routinely thrown out once they are no longer needed?
We have a guy who has a truck converted to hold giant, dead fetus pictures on all sides. He drives all around town with the thing. Such an asshole.
But the free market will take care of... oh, no, it didn't, did it?
It sucks to be the default example of useless and easy education. Art is a difficult field and most people the pursue it do so out of passion and dedication to their craft because lord knows there is no guaranteed return on your investment. Can't we all, liberal arts and science, come together as friends and start…
Gee, the US response to Ebola might be more effective if we had a surgeon general to coordinate things. Maybe the Repugnants Republicans should actually stop blocking his appointment if they care so much. Oh, that's right, they actually love Ebola for its fear-mongering benefits.
I swam today just to break up the monotony. You know it's bad when staring at a black line for 60 minutes is better than the elliptical.
Heck yes to gymnastics. I would love to take a tumbling class. There are some super-expensive aerialist classes where I live, but I want to do some flip-flops.
The last time I answered that question, the guy wanted to ramble at me about Ayn Rand for the duration of the train ride. I was not reading Ayn Rand. I was reading the New Yorker. So, sure, feel free to try to grab a peek at the cover — I love to see what people are reading, too. But most people who ask are just…
I used that line once and the guy said "Oh, he doesn't let you have hot friends?" and I said "Yeah, that's really not the issue here." and didn't realize until after I said it that it was actually a Clever Response, implying that he was not hot!
I recently looked a bro in the eyes and said "I'm married to my cat" and went back to my book. He laughed nervously and whatever drivel was coming out of his mouth trailed off and he eventually walked away to his next victim. I'm going to use that more.
Not the same exactly... but we sometimes get the church people knocking on our door on Saturday morning. I have a regular wood front door and a screen door/security door. I usually spy them as I'm puttering around the kitchen and just shut the front door (if I have the door open in nice weather). Once I got…
Have you tried "I don't speak English" in perfect English and a straight face?
I'm a fan of the "Oh, sorry, I'm actually really sick and don't want to give it to you" as an excuse to back away. If they persist, you can always cough in their face and freak them out.
About 15 years ago a man broke into my childhood home and attacked my mother. As soon as he grabbed her, my super sweet lab mix (who normally never even barked, let alone growled) went crazy on this guy and sunk her teeth through his leg. My mom called the police and he limped off - taking my dog with him. When the…