Yes, especially if you haven't played through with the extended cut ending.
Yes, especially if you haven't played through with the extended cut ending.
I completely agree. I think the car as a whole looks rather sharp. But the tail end just seems "off" to me. It looks unfinished almost.
Same here. I laughed when I saw Ash's face, and was quite disturbed when I looked at Pikachu
Agreed 100 fold. I have always liked the EB110 and thought it was one hell of a sharp looking car. I would rather own one over many modern day super cars. The Veyron especially.
My thoughts exactly. Hating Skrillex is the cool thing to do now that he is popular. He was "cool" when only a handful of people knew about him. Dubstep as a genre is like that at the moment. This time a year or two ago dubstep was the coolest shit, when it was new in the states. But now that it really caught on and…
The only reason TWD won anything is because of the popularity of the show, and that's the truth. Was it decent? Yes. Was it game of the year? Nope. If the show never made it past the first season almost no one would care about this game one bit.
Shenanigans. Every major store around my town still has Wii U's. None of them are close to sold out.
You win +1
This is the best one posted by far hahaha
So the Sox manged to fire Terry Francona, waste a year with Bobby V, only to essentially bring back Terry Francona? Great job Sox ownership. Good to see your really making changes for us fans next year. I liked Terry a lot but he had to go, John Farrell is pretty much the same guy. Only time will tell i guess
I must say, it always surprises me how much more polish the Treyarch CODs have over the Infinity Ward versions. When i played MW3 it always looked like a 3/4 finished game to me. Blops and Blops2 just look so much better visually.
The first time I ever heard Weezer was through Windows 95. I must have watched this video a million times when i was a kid.
Vice City's is my favorite by far. fits the vibe and setting of the game so well
Yes because all the wagons all the other non American automakers build are selling like hot cakes. As much as you would like to think otherwise Ford would probably sell twice as many of these explorers than they would a SHO wagon. Americans really dont care for wagons anymore.
I understand the Neo Geo community is pretty nuts for all things SNK. But honestly who in their right mind would pay 30K for a video game cart. And one that isn't even and "official" cart in the first place, so you would really never know how real or fake it truly is.
You are 100% correct. She was terrible. I actually tried to get her to die at the end of ME2 so she wouldn't be in my play through of ME3
So your argument that many games look like COD is by posting pictures of COD and Battlefield and a shot of uncharted, which looks nothing like COD, and Crysis 2. Thats a pretty weak argument considering that only one of those pictures was even of a game he mentioned as having better art than HL2.
I completely agree. I see a lot of people being severely disappointed with it. If it ever really hits the market.