
Rest in Peace, Galvatron.

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Same car on the dyno. Sounds like the devil!

Dwayne Johnson's Faster. The Rock goes around killing bad guys while driving a Chevelle SS. What's not to like?

Nobody fucks up better at Le Mans than Ferrari.

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You called it a save. The Japanese called it Manji drifting.

I'm quite sure there was a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport right next to the R8 E-Tron when the house was getting attacked that also fell into the ocean. That should add up a couple of millions.

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There's something cool about seeing cars that don't belong in the snow PLAYING in the snow.

Less flashy, more awesome.

Anyone else saw this? Those sneaky developers.

Florida, huh?

If you do that in the US, instead of getting a pat on the back, the guy will probably get sued for causing water damages to the boat. :P

It was the Albanians?! Liam Neeson will take care of this!

One of the few wheels that looks great on any car.

From the back, it reminded me of the Mitsuoka Orochi.

Looks more like a Mitsubishi Evo 8/9 to me.

Dodge Charger. Yes, its got a Hemi but a 4-door?!

There's another guy in a white shirt in the back of that truck. That means there's TWO luckiest Russians!

The driver did the right thing by wearing his seatbelt. Can't give any credit for his driving though.

RIP Mermaid Man.