
I think that was a Brian Stack character. He left Conan last year to move back to New York. He writes for Colbert's show now.

Nothing about Conan's 23-year body of work as a late night host suggests that is the kind of thing he'd do.

I believe that's correct. Even during the disastrous Fall '09 period when Conan went from having a weak lead-in to a terrible one, he was pulling at least a 1.0 in the demo.

Where do you get that their relationship is completely without sex?

I have not seen Scandal, but I feel I have the complete opposite reaction to you when it comes to the self-seriousness of House of Cards. I see it as way more of a liability than an asset. Instead of embracing the silliness that drives it, the show is surrounding it in this handsome, prestige-drama exoskeleton that

Maybe I need to lighten up, but elements like making Frank apolitical and bisexual feel cynically designed as talking points and blind gropes at "complexity" to me. I understand wishing to avoid the predictability of being a right-wing obloquy, but there's no getting around the fact that this show takes place in the

The delivery method is ingenious because there's a very good chance I would have cut bait long ago if the show were dispensed weekly. As it is I can just consume it like a 1 lb. bag of M&Ms once a year, enjoy the conversation, and move on. Empty calories are easier to justify if I can bundle them into one annual


I agree that, its premiere aside (still probably the best individual episode), Season 2 was the nadir of this show.

Doug is interesting in the sense that his absolute highest ambition is to be someone else's toadie. It truly seems to be what gives him purpose in life. The only other Ultimate Lackey character who compares (that I'm familiar with) is Sidney Falco from Sweet Smell of Success, but even Sidney sees being J.J.

The last two weeks of Conan's Tonight Show had some genius sketches. Andy owing money to the wrong people, the ".6 Anniversary Special," Norm MacDonald delivering the gift basket, all the hamsters born to the Tonight Show staff, hawking the carry-on bag, etc. And the finale was such a Viking funeral that it's hard

That was a well-written article on the Cone Bone. He's still the only late night host I bother with, and Richter is a god. I've also been really impressed with his Serious Jibber Jabber series — that interview he did with the Nixon author was excellent.

I was actually kind of hoping against all odds that Carrey would reprise the role.

Though Yes, Minister did inspire The Thick Of it, which America in turn failed to adapt, but then from that failure made Veep.

Which was in turn oft compared to Temple of Doom, mainly for the sequence where a girl is ritualistically burned to death with hot wax being pretty similar to the Thuggee ceremony.

Filming on the season wrapped months back.

"Like isn't half of the internet just MST3K now?"

I think Joel originally intended to time his own announcements with the publication date of the EW article, but the Paris attacks and maybe other factors led him to delay some of his reveals, whereas obviously the EW magazine hit shelves the same day it was always going to.

I think Mike moved to San Diego while Rifftrax was getting off the ground, but later returned to Minnesota. I believe Kevin and Bill are also still in the Midwest.