“Preserving your demographics” has to be one of the best euphemisms for full fucking racism I have ever seen.
“Preserving your demographics” has to be one of the best euphemisms for full fucking racism I have ever seen.
American culture is by its very nature a melange of many different cultures. We preserve it by welcoming new cultures, not by rejecting them.
Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.
White anxiety over identity is so real and toxic. These people are actually doing all this shit and enacting all this policy because they’re afraid of America becoming a less white nation... in the future... when they’ll all be fucking dead. Despite the fact that we need immigration to keep our working adult populatio…
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
I find this film pretty dark. It practically opens with a couple plunging off a bridge to their deaths. It’s full of giant sand worms, an afterlife receptionist with slashed wrists who reveals that suicides are condemned to spend the rest of eternity working in admin, a scene where the dead couple’s ghosts begin to…
Yeah. If you want to give them $20, that’s fine. You are giving them $20. Don’t loan them $20 though, because you aren’t going to get it back. So if you aren’t OK with giving it rather than loaning it, then don’t.
I hadn’t had to look for a place to rent in seven years, so I was unaware that the Nigerian prince scam had moved to rentals. You go on Craigslist, see a listing, contact the lister, and then you get back an email with a background check application. Now, I’m not one to fall for that shit, because I want to look at a…
Damn, you sound like you’re being willfully obtuse here. Luke fails to re-start the Jedi order, Poe fails in his stalling maneuver on the dreadnaught by getting every bomber shot down for no reason other than “I really wanna kill it baaaaaaad momeeeeeee!!!!!”, Rey fails to get Luke to come back in person to help in…
Why am I not surprised that somebody who sees vegetarian and feminist propaganda where there is none is also guilty of racial profiling? Don’t call Chewie a “vicious wolf beast” just because he’s tall and has an abundance of body hair! Did you know he writes poetry in his spare time and volunteers at the local galaxy…
Alarm bells were going off in my head when you said “propaganda” the first time. When you said it the second time it confirmed what I suspected.
I think he still eats meat, just not porg, his new pets.... who he’s adopting from sadness of Han’s death.
the only moronic thing here is that you let it take you out of the moment. you let it get to you. even if someone doesnt like something in a movie, something as small as this can be ignored and forgotten. its not movie-ruining. its a small inconvenience. its not needlessly shoved in your face the whole movie. its…
“ carnivorous monster”
For me, it was the scene where two Porgs are looking at Rey/Luke/Anakin’s lightsaber. I’ve seen the film twice, and every time I wanted one to kill the other with it accidentally.
My wife didn’t realize he was eating a porg, she thought they just wanted his food, lmfao
The porgs were fine. Cute even. But a lot of people were wary of the obvious marketing attempt after the nightmare that was jar jar.
I like to imagine that at least one of those porgs is force sensitive. Is porg meat rich in midi clorian?
I think this was just a happy coincidence. They had a problem with the puffins, the VFX team decided to create a new alien race to deal with the puffins, and marketing thought that they could replace them with Porgs.
And no one ever says