Normally I wouldn’t but if I don’t end up liking it for whatever reason, that’s just more Christmas gift money I don’t have lol.
Normally I wouldn’t but if I don’t end up liking it for whatever reason, that’s just more Christmas gift money I don’t have lol.
I pre-ordered the CE because I was expecting it to be as fun as people had said the older games were. Thanks to this review, I’m living a life of regret now while I wait for it to come in the mail lol.
Someone told me that it was announced that there will never be an original Xenosaga remaster because of previous sales not being good enough or something. I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t make me kind of sad.
Summon Night 6 Lost Borders was delayed so many times in the US, I literally forgot it existed before it came in the mail.
I feel like I should know more of these series. I’ll be “that” guy and just say it. Can someone post a list of all the series featured here please?
I’m pretty sure that all of the general NPCs that you have fighting alongside you also have individual names if you hover over them. Your squad might be immortal but the other NPCs are definitely not. I’ve played through the whole campaign and it was not fun having to watch an NPC get downed and then scream and beg…
I’ve heard conflicting stories but, I kind of fell off Warframe when everyone I played with switched to PS4 and I found out that there’s no account cross play. The total rework of the game was nice but also confusing as all hell to me because I was more of a casual when I did play. Pets are always a sweet addition to…
I generally think that the Mercy rework was better for Overwatch as a whole. I have about three times as many hours logged as Mercy as any other Overwatch character and while she is far less beginner friendly now, the increased utility of her kit allows for more varied play. I don’t believe that people should ever…
What made the Master Chief Collection bad for me was that it needs an online connection for everything. I would have preferred the ability to at least play the campaigns offline. I know that would probably make things too big for a physical version or something but I still would rather have it that way as opposed to…
The Parasite Eve and 3rd Birthday games need HD remakes or remasters for PC and the current gen of consoles even if only for the nostalgia factor.
I know that Disgaea 5 came out for PS4 first but having it in a portable form that still looks great is awesome beyond what I could have hoped for. I bought Puyo Puyo Tetris as something to play on and off when I don’t have a ton of time to play something but ended up liking it so much I played for at least four hours…
Why are there so many helmets that make people look like demons and devils? Almost every screenshot I’ve seen has had at least one person that looks like they’re gearing up for some kind of Dark Souls epic battle or something.
Toxic douchebags and trolls will always ruin online games for everyone else in some way. It’s a sad reality that exists today and will probably never go away. Reporting systems are great, but companies need to be careful that they create a system that isn’t a blanket measure in scope so that the trolls and toxic…
Because of somewhat confusing reporting and mixed reviews from friends that mostly focused on whether or not people hated the art style or not, it took me a while to even try the game despite the fact that I had pre-ordered it and had been excited to try it out. Once I did start it however, I realized that it’s a very…
The question that I and many others have is, how will the long term gear balance be? Will it be just as bad as D1 since they’ve already stated that PvP and PvE will not be tuned independently of each other?
So when will short people like me (5'2") have bike options? Are we doomed to be bikeless for life?
So when will short people like me (5'2") have options for bikes? Are we just doomed to be bikeless for life?
I live right off of Woodward near Birmingham and have come to hate the Dream Cruise weekend because of the noise, traffic, and obnoxious people that race through the neighborhood I live in sometimes.
I did something like that and then they asked me if it had an actual story. When I said “kind of”, they asked me to elaborate and that’s when things took a turn for the worst lol.
Although its very cringe worthy, I’ve both played Senran Kagura in public and tried to explain the plot of Destiny to family members before. The Destiny explanation took almost an hour and they got sick of trying to understand it so I never finished. Playing Senran Kagura in public on a flight was strange but not the…