
If all of you could have a real world experience related to some genre of game, what would each of you choose and why?

All I ever wanted was to be able to play my JRPGs on my One so I didn’t have to have a 360 and a One hooked up to the same TV. Since Barbie will probably get BC before a game that was actually good but a JRPG, Infinite Undiscovery, I just assumed it will never happen for my favorite games and I stopped paying for Live

A dream that will never happen. Either a HD remake or an update like what they did with Kingdom Hearts for the entire .Hack// franchise.

I’ll just sit here futilely clinging to the hope of a .Hack// HD release of some kind or even having the originals on PSN. In true crazy fanboy fashion, I’ve collected two sets of discs for both the original and G.U. because I was afraid that a disc might get badly scratched someday. If FF7 can eventually get a remake

They can do whatever they want with their game, but actively avoiding answering a question that is obviously a concern to a portion of the community isn’t cool. Literally any kind of concrete answer will put the issue to rest for a lot of people, even if it ends up being “we just don’t want to,”. And no, the first

It was incredibly interactive for its time and the game play was excellent considering the limitations of the Dreamcast controller.

Toy Commander?

PvP and PvE are essentially two completely different systems within one game. They can say that they want it to feel the same across all activities all they want but anyone who has ever played both PvE and Crucible will tell you that gear and weapons feel vastly different in each. Hawkmoon may have been overpowered in

Except that it’s impossible for PvP and PvE to feel consistent if they aren’t independently tuned. They are fundamentally different activities that may as well be considered two separate entities within the same game. They’ve been using that same excuse for as long as people have thought of it as an important issue.

This is exactly what I have said to my friends for the longest time. PvP and PvE not being tuned independently of each other caused more issues than it solved in the first game and almost every weapon tuning overwhelmingly favored PvP over PvE. Crucible players constantly tell me that PvP is the lifeblood of the game

This is something I will never get tired of talking about because it bothers me a lot as someone who sank about 900 hours into Destiny 1. I wouldn’t have given so much time to a game that I didn’t like but I honestly believe that a majority of the gear balance issues were the result of PvP and PvE not being tuned

I hope they make a ton of these so I can throw money at them and then wonder why I spent hundreds of dollars I shouldn’t have on my hobby. Collecting figures is a ton of fun, but space and money more often than not become issues.

I just can’t help but be pessimistic a bit. I played the first game from Day 1 up until the most recent hand cannon nerf that killed my favorite weapon type all in the name of Crucible. If Crucible and PvE will be tuned independently, then I will immediately hop on the bandwagon again. Until then however, it is still

Is there an actual figure of these? The only reason I say “actual” is because I’m assuming he’s not selling them, and I really want something like this for my desk at work.

Their watches made from pieces of the Titanic cost a bit over $16k and $13k respectively and were limited to 100 of each I believe. Funny world we live in where something partially made from a piece of history can cost far less than a pop culture item.

I will buy this despite knowing that I am the worst player in the world when it comes to rhythm games.

I believe it. I used to work at GameStop about ten years ago now and I remember how shitty things could get when people brought in large trades during peak hours. It mostly consisted of scrambling to get the trades done as quickly as possible by only checking the discs and worrying about everything else later. Plenty

Planeswalkers are a permanent type introduced in the Lorwyn block which was released in September of 2007. Planeswalkers are a permanent that stays on the battlefield and they are treated differently than any other permanent type. When a Planeswalker enters the battlefield, it enters with a number of counters on it

To me, this seems to be a reaction to people complaining that they didn’t have a sufficient chance in terms of timing or percentages to pull the characters when they were available before. They also buffed the drop rate (only 2%) in an attempt to draw people in. I’ve been very fortunate with my drops and even got all

The funny thing is that I think that some of the shows they have are licensed by either Crunchyroll, Funimation, or both. What’s next? They start doing all of their own dubbing and try to take even more of the pie from Funimation? I don’t believe that Amazon Strike will ever snuff out Crunchyroll or Funimation but