I like listening to MIT math lectures or Khan Academy math lectures (from iTunes U or Youtube) while I'm browsing the Internet.
I like listening to MIT math lectures or Khan Academy math lectures (from iTunes U or Youtube) while I'm browsing the Internet.
@Gann: If time ending is possible in an infinite universe, then time not ending is also possible and will eventually happen as well.
@Captain_Tripps: Yeah it's pretty expensive.
@dave922: Here's the link for iTunes.
Also, Polgara the Sorceress in the Belgariad.
Shouldn't it double as two gas masks?
@92BuickLeSabre: When I heard about the movie, I didn't want to see it. I don't use Facebook so I'd no interest in the movie. It was after seeing the trailer that I wanted to watch the movie. The reviews mean nothing to me.
@☆Giroro G66☆: I know the phone was designed by Billy May.
@☆Giroro G66☆: Nope. The guy you're referring to is Billy Mays. Notice the 's'.
@tsuchinoko: Exactly what I was thinking. Hey - he either didn't see Moon or he did and he thinks HAL is more realistic. Either way, he's the expert.
"...360-degree twilight show..."
This is nacho typical sci-fi film.
Funny you should ask... I went with my wife today so she could purchase a Samsung Smiley.
Bah. I find this headline confusing. So, if you dig something you like it but if you dig at something you don't like it? o_O
@Hello Mister Walrus: I remember seeing the first few concept images years ago. I tried to follow the release but it took too long. When it came out I didn't even know it.
Anyone here play Alan Wake? How is it?
I wonder if Sym-Bionic Titan will be as good as Samurai Jack. o_O It looks like a cross between Power Rangers, Sailor Moon, and Full Metal Panic!.
@ceptri: At least Zoidberg got a pogo stick.