@chadbeckwith: Nice. I forgot all about the Midnight Society. To the Youtube-mobile!
@chadbeckwith: Nice. I forgot all about the Midnight Society. To the Youtube-mobile!
@comodidit: I don't see how it would work when Netflix offers the same shows commercial-free and cheaper. How could pay-for-commercials compete with pay-less-for-no-commercials?
@Aaron Crabtree: I agree. I watch Big Bang Theory and The Mentalist. I don't get Two and a Half Men. Also, I don't generally like sitcoms because of their laughter tracks. Big Bang Theory is the exception.
"2 and a Half Men"
@Marvin Barnes' Time Machine: Ban it from your mind, eh? You're just as bad as Apple!
@jetRink: "A thing! A thing! I found a thing!"
@FrankN.Stein: Hah!
@gonzonaut: Like FF7?
@gonzonaut: I know what steampunk is; I've never heard of dieselpunk.
Ok, I know the rules. But what is dieselpunk?
@Jared D: Nah. He's still in the closet.
@PlaidNinja: Like this?
@Doctor Insano: Yeah, a really good fan movie has been made. But not a Hollywood version. Probably wouldn't be as good as the fan-made one, though.
@FrankenPC: Batman vs Predator vs Aliens
@derilium: Thanks.
@derilium: How do I use your script?
@jabber: That's exactly what it sounded like to me too. Hollywood must be desperate.
He's penning it with his Red Right Hand.
@fightingevilsoyoudonthaveto: That wasn't Andy Garcia? Also, isn't that Andy Garcia in the picture?