fate47 - meh.

I've got the live blogs opened in some tabs and my iPhone 4 order status open in another. o_O

@cedricb: Not only the Office Suite, but Windows 7 and other software as well. Don't forget that you can install Win7 from the upgrade - there's even a Lifehacker article showing you how.

@Anonymoose: We're going to go with potato salad.

@micah1_8: He was on Nickelodeon.

@micah1_8: Remember inside-out boy?

@Mnemesis: That's the premise. We don't know who the devil is.

What makes him the devil? Did (s)he pass gass?

Why can't ugly people ever be given super powers?

Neither the Giz nor the Wired article talks about how long it takes to recharges the Joos' battery via the sun. Ah well.

Putting stickers around the edges of your iPhone 4 will not help. Or so says Slashgear.