@ZeddStar: As pointed out in the article, the insides of Apple laptops and Windows laptops are identical. If you are only talking specs, then they are about the same.
@ZeddStar: As pointed out in the article, the insides of Apple laptops and Windows laptops are identical. If you are only talking specs, then they are about the same.
@ZeddStar: Define better.
@android is better: Playstation has the Emotion Engine and Dreamcast was so cool it could think.
@fate47 - meh.: It didn't work...
@Xyberfaust: "Time enough at last!"
@Jonas: I believe this will be my next book after I finish "The Complete Sherlock Holmes".
I didn't like the "huge beast that looks like a spider". It was a "OMG! It's the trees! Oh...it's the trees..." moment for me.
This is nice. Imagine it's night and the lights go out. You pull out your flashlight. Uh oh! Batteries are dead/go out. You find fresh batteries somehow. Good. You can feel the batteries to determine which side has a bump. Good. Do they go in bump-first or bump-out?
@Chernobyl: I looked over my shoulder damn you!
@fate47 - meh.: It's funny because I misspelled beliefs the second time.
@dgstan: holding it = holding it wrong
@bleuiko!: He also has a $300 monitor as a "cheapest way" to upgrade your monitor. I purchased a 20" Hanns-G for $130.
@Auhim: Thanks. I was referring to the Netflix app and I see that I didn't specify.
Netflix offers full seasons of shows with no commercials on a computer.
@OCEntertainment: Hulu used to have all episodes of Firefly at the same time. They took them off and now want to charge for it...which they can do.
@MrCheatachu: You mean this was their mascot?
DC United took took the first MLS Cup in 1996. The Wizards won it in 2000.
@Upunisher: Yet Giz keeps promoting it. I hate Auto-Tune.
@bawheid: Seems like your memory of it is all black and white and grainy.