fate47 - meh.

Code::Blocks on Mac

@ducks9: I'm going for CSE. I was in the Navy, but I didn't get the Navy College Fund.

@Wolfess: I can imagine someone outside the 40th floor windows on a window-cleaner's scaffold tapping on the glass and demanding to take a survey.

@ddillman: That's what I did. I just didn't understand why everyone was saying to get a personal tax accountant.

This is a question for all of you who recommend a tax accountant.

I was just on CNN.com. They usually have a little survey near the bottom of the front page. Today's survey was about preordering the iPad. I got a chuckle out of the results: out of 94k people, 95% said that they are not preordering an iPad.

@pixelsnader: I don't understand why the question isn't aimed at Windows, Mac, and Linux. Each OS has a Taskbar equivalent.

My OSX dock is hidden on the left.

@Everett Vinzant:Thank you for replying. I mainly use OS X. School might require me to use Windows, but I shan't be checking my finances from a school computer.

@dogboi: Thank you for your input. I never thought of that. I have 1Password for my iPhone and for my Mac; it syncs wireless between the two. If I'm not near my Mac, then I use my iPhone to check my accounts/mail/etc.

@TheFu: Thanks for your reply; your input helps a lot. I'm still on the 30-day trial of 1Password, so I need to find a solution.

Would anyone recommend KeePass over 1Password? (Ignoring the price difference.)

@electrolemon: I read your first comment poorly. I think I read it as "Just not the iPhone".

Mythbusters did a whole show on duct tape. They built both a cannon and a boat out of duct tape.

@TriGun5312: I appreciate the information. What is the etiquette for beer tasting? Is it like wine tasting (spit it out)? I'd like to visit a brewery here, but I'm not familiar with the customs.

@joelena: I'm concerned that the beer would flatten before I could finish it. Can you give me an approximate shelf life for a growler after opening it?

@njovin: I didn't know about the differing growler sizes. Thanks!

@sassafras_: I understand that a growler is cheaper than an entire six pack. I just didn't think it was cheaper than asking the brewery for a sample or purchasing a small glass of the stuff.