fate47 - meh.

@infmom: Cool! I've not been around too many kittens, with my family being dog lovers and all. @_@ #openthread

@DH405: No, no - I wouldn't install any "optimization" software. :P

@Platypus Man: I've never known about the right-click Google search in FF. Thank you.

I'm using FF on my MBP. The Awesome Bar doesn't work as a Google search, as some has stated that it does. I get my ISP's search page instead. My ISP is WOW!, btw.

For most of my searches, I use the ctrl+k method. If I'm not sure of a spelling, or any reason to use the auto-suggest, I use the [google.com] method.

@njdevil: Thanks to both of you!

@azngoHAPPY: I've heard that a spot of superglue on the end knot will keep things together.

I just purchased a MBP. I noticed that the delete key is the same as the Backspace (deletes backwards) key on a PC. Is there a key that is equivalent to the Del key (deletes forward - PC) on a MBP?

I prefer some PG Tips (tea) with a spoonful of honey and a little milk.

@Interstella5555: I hate taking my hands from the keyboard. I hit Ctrl+L to take me to the address bar, then type 'google' and hit Ctrl+Enter. When the page loads, the cursor is taken to the search box automagically.

Speaking of Jason Chen, did he write an article in this month's GQ?

@Perry Trinier: 1112 is right. "...more advanced options in how it optimizes the disk data."

It looks so boxy. Maybe if they made it more streamlined - and using less material - they could lower the price.

Wow. I live in an attic, but it looks nothing like that. Amazing.

Now playing

@UnderLoK: So I take it you're not a fan of the Dead Schembechlers? 'Cause "Bomb Ann Arbor Now", "Muck Fichigan", and "Wide Left: The Ballad of Mike Lantry" are the top 3 songs in Columbus.