
I may be reaching here, but I can’t help but wonder if the proliferation of human access to tigers in the manner of tourists being able to pet and lay on big cats that are chained up and drugged out of their minds has in any way given people a mistaken idea of the nature of tigers. You don’t have to actually have been

Are the emails bad? I haven’t seen them. Either way, this doesn’t sound like a good move on Hillary’s part. Damn it, quit making it harder for people to like you, Hillary!!!!! We need to win this!

Someone in another thread said that the Clinton campaign has already hired her. I really that’s not true. DWS is way to toxic and has too much baggage to be joining HRC’s campaign. It feeds into the idea that she was always on their payroll and they worked in cahoots to discredit and destroy the Sanders’ campaign.

I guess they saw the video of the North Miami shooting idiocy.

Also, I think most kids who have a good relationship with their parents will tell their parents, and want that support. This law is really to protect those kids who don't have that support and safety.

Also, can we stop calling them ‘honor killings’? It’s murder, plain and simple. The root of the motive may be sexist, patriarchal cultural ideas, but it’s still murder. Calling it ‘honor killings’ implies there a legitimate reason for it, or that culture can be used an excuse. It cannot.

They’re committed as part of a patriarchal system.

So do I, most days. And I am one.

Fundamentalism, in all its forms, across religions and cultures both, is a poison. Fuck them all.

I hate men.

I’m seeing it tonight and I’m SO EXCITED. I unfortunately cannot wear my vintage Ghostbusters tee, because it features glow in the dark “slime” and I don’t want to be a rude nancy.

Things are changing. The police just said they’re going to stop using “soft” tactics and return to brutal authoritarianism. So we’ve got that going for us.

So this week, by tomorrow, we’ll have one cop fired for posting a video, and zero cops fired for shooting black men in scenarios escalated solely by the police involved.

I really, really hope she doesn’t receive any professional penalties from this.

Hiddles may need to get on the Batphone to Affleck to find out how this ends....

Mutual bearding.

Not going to lie, the relative failure of the Daily Show under Trevor Noah also brings me glee. Samantha Bee is pulling in double what he is, and I love it.

Nope, only women and children died

‘“It’s really hard to understand how this could happen, how somebody could do that to children,” local police lieutenant Dan McGrath told the press.’

Also: don’t rape.