
I have also transformed the way I work on my car.

A Brett Favre joke, everybody! In 2015!!!

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Of course, it's a different story with the Black Series, but in standard trim, the SLS' tail happy nature and slow gearbox don't do it any favors on track.

I certainly understand. Sometimes things have an emotional value that far outstrips any monetary value it may have.

The NHL releases these videos for every major suspension, I believe. It's very helpful in seeing how they determine the punishment.

They cut to ONE person beating the shit of another person.

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It's great to see Rico win the Chili Bowl. I've been pulling for him ever since I saw this video.

Adunno why the GT-R is up there, it's their flagship car. And it's not like Nissan doesn't have any other sports cars in its lineup (Infiniti G35/37 and the 350/370Z).

The thing we have to establish to be able to talk about this with the same frame of reference is that Dez Bryant

Two points:

I second the motion to just stop with the hockey. All they do is post shit like this and then have a circle jerk over how much hockey sucks.

Marc Savard would like to thank Shea Weber, but cannot find the words to do so.

This is actually grabbed from the Sriracha ducumentary. It's on HULU and well worth watching.

I dislike Jones for how fake he is and this is more ammunition for people that don't like him. However, how the fuck is cocaine use out of competition and Nick Diaz seems to get suspended for weed every year or two?

I watched Feschuk brag about this today on Off the Record (don't ask me why I was watching that Landsberg sh*tsstain because I don't know). He was VERY proud of himself for pissing off Kessel. It was sad. And Ron Wilson? Class move from a notorious dickbag. Toronto media is freaking out because that's what they do.