
He was, in his own right, deserving of the MVP from the 3v3 games.

From the article:

Seems very unlikely that would happen considering that Carlos Slim/TelMex bought Force India. In fact, I wouldn’t be wholly surprised if Gutierrez went to Force India in the next year or two.

Correct, see: The Bugle podcast.

He says it’s because you don’t want to bite into a big chunk of salt.

Right? I used to think this sort of thing was a waste of time but these people obviously have a great passion for reverse engineering the game and the videos are very enjoyable. I wonder if any game that came out within the last few years will ever get this sort of treatment.

Seriously fuck you guys for posting this. Scummy fucking writing and you should be ashamed. Very fucking close to not ever visiting the site again if these kind of articles keep getting posted.

Well, that’s the weird thing about all of this - there doesn’t appear to be any actual scientific papers available that give actual evidence as to top tier being better than other non-certified gas. Further, all gas is required by the EPA to have a minimum level of detergents to prevent wear, and I can find some

Were you ever able to find any more information about this? I got called out by a few people in this thread saying I’m ignorant but I literally cannot find any of the technical documentation that would suggest this is anything besides some sort of marketing.

I’m really only asking for any kind of information that spells out the technical aspect of it. I’m with you that regulation on gas is a good thing, and this seems to be a step in the right direction, but I can’t find any actual proof besides endorsements by companies. I also got called out for being ignorant but then

My post was specifically looking at the website that was linked in the AAA article ( www.toptiergas.com ) which made it out to look like a marketing scam as their FAQs are basically how you certify your station - http://www.toptiergas.com/faqs/ . I also looked at the wiki article about Top Tier gas and all of the

My post was specifically looking at the website that was linked in the AAA article ( www.toptiergas.com ) which made it out to look like a marketing scam as their FAQs are basically how you certify your station - http://www.toptiergas.com/faqs/ . I also looked at the wiki article about Top Tier gas and all of the

No. The whole article is bullshit. Saying a gasoline is “TOP TIER” means that they have paid the licensing fee that the TOP TIER brand requires to be listed. Also, it’s just a brand name for a detergent, it isn’t actually the “top tier” of gasolines. Basically, AAA is pimping a brand and passing it off as superior

Very true and it was especially evident with Ekblad out.

Hell yeah, I submitted this.

Hot take: that is a stupid haircut.

Now playing

Weird, I always hear Rangers and Lollipops -

Just want to say thanks for writing intelligently about mass spectrometry and testing. I work in the field and the load of garbage that most people put out is disconcerting.

We have contract insurance on him but it wouldn’t kick in this year since there is less than 90 days remaining in the season. If he remained out next year, the insurance would pay.

More likely than not, there are stipulations with state run athletic commissions that determine who is eligible. Since Nevada has so many boxing and MMA matches take place there, I imagine that they are the ones who put the restrictions in place, not the UFC.