
I'm sure it's a merchandise thing. Cinderella is always depicted in a bright blue dress in the Disney Princess branding. Albeit the over saturated colors of the film make it look even bluer. Not disagreeing with you. An elegant-but-still-princessy pale blue gown would've been much prettier (tbh I love the color of her

That explanation is minorly bullshit because Adams was the second lead character not Cooper. She was on screen longer than him and was nominated for a Best Actress to his Best Supporting Actor nomination. But that's hollywood women get less screen time even when they are the main character of a film, women get lower

Rumor(s) has (have) it that Lea Michele and Corey's relationship was a publicity stunt. If that's the case, then she has been going through pretend hell.

First that shirtstorm of an election night, and now this.


She cried wolf, it wasn't actually race motivated and the officer handled the situation pretty well given the false accusations flying at him and her rude behavior. He said some rude things too, but he's a person not a concept. He didn't deserve to take that abuse. She was projecting the racist actions of other cops

Before everyone has a cow. If TMZ is correct there was more then one witness and someone actually went down and told them to stop. They ignored the witness. Look, if you put on a show in public and people notice its not their fault. Its yours. I will let everyone look at the link and see if its so. But

I have had car sex and if I were caught, I wouldn't have behaved like that. He was questioning her and she left, which you can't do when you are being questioned. I'm pretty sure that is when it escalated into her screaming at him that he was racist and she was famous and going to report him to her publicist.

Interesting. From the article:

Listen, I've heard En Vogue's "Free Your Mind," too. You're not going to educate me on the minority experience in America any more than my life already has. There's a massive difference between flustered, furious and crazy. As a person of color, a "plus size" person, and a gay person I'm very familiar with what

I'm glad this was revisited. People were so convinced her original telling of the incident was correct and that she was some kind of victim. The extended video got released later and showed the police were actually extremely calm and professional while dealing with a bratty little entitled celebrity caught fucking

she acted like a spoiled little brat and threw the race card out, which is not ok. There are people who actually have been unfairly targeted by the police because they are black and this is not what happened to her. She fucked her boyfriend in broad daylight, in a car and someone called it in and she got caught. If

I don't think it was a huge twist at all, all signs were pointing to him being involved with his student and because he deleted everything off his phone involving her, it was obvious that her phone is where anything incriminating would be.

Wait, so you graduate at age 18...in TWELFTH grade, every grade is ONE school year, so 4 years before 12th...and they are NINE FUCKING YEARS OLD???!!! wtf?

We owe the kids in this country — especially the ones who are struggling in school so much that need to take summer classes or get held back — a whole hell of a lot better than that.

Significant pet peeve: The revelation of Dumbledore's sexuality is not a retcon. A retcon, or retroactive continuity, means established facts in the cannon are altered by later work in order to put the later work inline with continuity. There is nothing in the original Harry Potter books that establishes Dumbledore to

It's almost as if gay people can be gay without it being a huge defining trait in their personality and/or storyline.

Ah, Cinema Sins leave my Honest Trailers alone. That was horrible

Do you approve, though? Because I feel like nominating the President is the ultimate arrogant douchebag move. You aren't friends with President Obama, Bieber. You don't get to be the one to put weird pressure on him to do something like this. It's totally cool if Obama decides to do the ice bucket challenge, and

I would argue that W*M should have worked with her to give her way above and beyond short term disability leave, but she may not be able to argue the move to cashier as reasonable accommodation, assuming that she has not worked as a cashier there. Its a totally different job/task, and they would have to put her into