
The idea of using Kickstarter to fund a warp drive is so AWESOME, it's making me cry...

That drive is highly improbable.

Warp Mail - duh....

Have to admit - after listening to three previous seasons of Crusher's prattle, I did enjoy seeing her sucked into a vortex...

There is no time dilation with this concept - while the space forming the bubble is highly curved, the space inside which permeates the ship, and crew, is not.

Perhaps our notions of causality need to be reconsidered.

Santa IS real !! I knew it...

...unless Uranus likes getting plowed - then it's not really a problem...

Truth is the victim of revisionism - something the republicans are champions of....

Can't stop laughing at this....

HA ! Good one.

Pretty dodgy lip sync going on there. But then again, the "real" Reagan had the same problem !

Shill much ?

The process you've described is not the one used in pink slime. Can you understand how that would make a difference ?

No one gave a flying shit before because no one knew about. Sushi and snails aren't saturated with ammonia - neither is beer.

"...discovered around a pair of Sun-like planets." ???

With Facebook - it was all luck. As well as the general public's vanity & narcissism.

Jobs finally DID get a taste of his own medicine. LOVE IT.

Exactly - nothing like it.