
People in America think 120 is fast and this is kind of funny.

Sinsheim is an amazing museum. I highly suggest going there.

War mongers.

@Arthritis_Guy: You beat me to it. This article make the writer look like a biased troll looking for hits. Nothing to see here, move along.

I'm liking Southwest more and more by the day.

@Chewmieser: You are evil. Learn to live with it ;)

Engineering? Please, almost 30 years of flight and one accident that was proven NOT to be a problem with the plane. It also flew at MACH 2; way faster than minimum required to be "supersonic"

Great, now I'll just go to another airport.

@Amang: Project cat.? No idea what that is. I did once attempt to save gas on one trip by shutting off my 97M3 downhill and I recall the wheel locking. I was just messing around and did it in a safe environment, but it scared the crap out of me.

@hustler: Well they could use bigger brakes too. Another problem is turning the ignition off can lock the steering wheel and minimally kills the PS making a FWD car a bitch to drive.

Germany FTW

@pdubs1087: Having own them all I can say I use the 2.4V Milwaukee screwdriver the most($100 tool). It isn't cheap but it is amazing.

12V ? That is wimpy. :)

Where I'm from someone would have shot it a day ago and had it for dinner. Those things are pests that usually jump in front of your car and wreck it up.

So have we finally caught up with the Europeans with the train tech we were falling so far behind on? I take a 600mph plane, thanks.

@Radioheadonist: Yea. I think just the high end version has the IRS. When you see that cheap priced one on TV($16k I think) that is exactly what you are getting.

@Radioheadonist: It also lost the independent rear and isn't made in Germany any more. Yea, I get they still make in in Germany and the more expensive one still has the rear end.

Wait for electric cars. The Tesla adds 800 pounds to a 1950 pound Elise. Or almost 50%

Battery life? With auto off and with the face always on the clock. please.

If this is ok with the TSA than what would be the point of the machines?