Fastidious Robot

Thanks for posting that. The headline made me think I had only imagined Goldblum being an Apple spokesman.

The guy is taking it too far, but no one should be texting in a theater. If she thought it was that important, she should have left the theater to text.


Pray for the writers and staff.

These types of campaigns from the right wing are all about projection. They take all their actions for the simple reason of spiting people they think are different from them, and they believe normal people do the same.

I thought at the time it was fascinating. It could never have lasted, of course. The scene where Lester swings by his feet is still laugh-out-loud funny to me all these years later.

The new cast were just up here in Portland a week or so ago (and so were The Mads), and they're coming back again this summer. Great! Cinematic Titanic were up here a couple of times and those shows were great, so I imagine this'll also be fun.

Or "Let's Hit Hitler Where He Lives".

I didn't like the show much at first, but it grew on me once I stopped expecting it to be like the old show. It was the only thing on CBS that I watched. Lennon is really good.

And this is enjoyable because????

There's a precedent in real life, though it's military rather than law enforcement. A stage magician worked for the British military during WWII to develop some of the visual deceptions that were used to confuse the Nazis - fake tanks, fake ships, etc.

Agreed, it's not my favorite show, but Linda Eder has made the title song one of her signature numbers, and I think she does a great job with it.

Which I will never understand, because Superman is already Moses. Why try to twist the story to turn him into Christ?

Their supporters believe that all the beneficiaries of the ACA are people of different ethnicity from them (Black people, Latinos, etc.) Never mind that it isn't true, that's what they believe and they want "those people" to be screwed.

Yes, now that I've watched episodes 3 and 4, I agree, the tone and pacing are similar.

It's like an address. The way you would say "Eden Prairie, Minnesota", Max is saying "Moon 13, The Moon"

It is. 10:00 is the line.

I'm gay and it wasn't homophobic. Nearly all the "outrage" is from conservatives grasping at straws.

I'm gay and I didn't find the joke homophobic.

No. It would have been homophobic if the object of the joke was to demean them by calling them gay, but that wasn't the point of the joke. It's all about context.