Fastidious Robot

That is literally what they think. No exaggeration.

All I'm hearing is that the DNC wanted Hillary to win. Well, that isn't even news. We all knew that. Is there something in the emails that indicates they took action to help her win, because that's what would matter.

The Odd Couple and his Dick Van Dyke scripts weren't. The loud shit happened later.

His writing for The Dick Van Dyke Show and his production of The Odd Couple were his best TV accomplishments. Happy Days and everything that came after paled in comparison.

The series is already F&F in space - why wait for the next movie to judge? I didn't even know when I made the last post that a director from F&F was making the new movie, I was just judging based on the level the movies have been on.

You have a point, but once it turns into Fast and the Furious in space, I think it's fair to ask if that's what Roddenberry had in mind. (I'm referring to the dumbing down of the series, not to having a gay character.) No one's complaining about the addition of a gay character, just the laziness of having it be Sulu.

I like TNG way better than TOS, especially Moore's work, so to my mind the pretension was helpful.

Takei said "It was about being true to Gene’s vision and storytelling."

The Schoo was "borrowed" from Li'l Abner, and was a very controversial figure in his day.

This x 100. Most of the people who go on and on about the presidential race would be hard-pressed to name their state and local electeds, and what happens there has far more effect on their day-to-day lives than what happens in DC. It's a constant uphill battle to make people understand this.

There's a theory that people are more prone to get angry and agitated when it's hot.

Your loss.

Brett Somers was in the '70s version of Perry Mason with Monte Markham. (Hope I'm remembering right, too lazy to go look.)

Thanks for reminding me. Yeah, there's the occasional one, but the volume has gone way down.

That was when they lost me. I'd say what you're describing actually happened when Trace and Frank left MST3K. No more obscure pop culture references from the generation making the show.

If it's any consolation, my nostalgia is the ABC version (and the brief first year at CBS).


The show has come home. It was done from ABC in New York for many years.

I'm pretty sure they want to air the shows in whatever order they like.