

Russians in power may not want to appear weak, but their country is weak as shit.

She did in a traffic accident. Ran a stop sign and t-boned a Corvair. Keep in mind that it was 1963 and at the time she really was a nobody politically. I think it’s more a reflection of how recklessly we treat fatal traffic accidents than anything. Even today, if you or I were to run a stop sign and cause a fatal

Ahh, the good old days

Wasn’t there a CrossAir plane crash that killed 10 people that was due in part to a Russian pilot who wouldn’t activate autopilot during a routine part of the flight because Russian pilots “don’t like to appear weak?”

When stuff like this happened in America years ago, people would be pissed, but entertained.

See also; Al Gore’s son arrested for DUI on a military base.

Clinton could.

It’s the old Russian saying: “Don’t be a pussy.”

Only in some countries... I doubt even the son of the president can get away with this in the US.


Local media reporter = all tape on a car is duct tape

They don't need to get angry and/or violent when the car they're supporting is faster than anything else in it's price range by a mile.

The only way it could look more legitimately like a stock Camry, when "closed up", is with an outdated political bumper sticker and a dent in one corner of the rear bumper.

That dead horse will be IndyCar. Real Indy Car died a long time ago and this stupid open wheel nascar version is a joke.

Thank you. In this day and age, every single human in a first world country understands the risks of smoking. So if they decide to start smoking, that's their prerogative. Let Marlboro and Pall Mall sponsor race cars. Sponsorship never gave a single person cancer.

While I'm on board with making tobacco companies market to adults and not kids, it's always seemed ridiculous to me to completely ban them from advertising while Coke, Pepsi, McDonalds and KFC are all allowed to spam us without restriction.

I despise cigarettes and smoking but I believe in the free market. If tobacco is legal, they should be able to advertise.

Are we even allowed to post pics on the Internet of tobacco logos anymore? Have the black helicopters started hovering over your location yet?