
"Well, my love of this great and beautiful nation, and my hatred of all people with dark skin, led me to write this. (sings) On the boats and on the trains. They're coming to America. Never looking back again. Just do the best you can! You hate your keyboard player because he's black! Never had the courage to

No, because that's what you watched. I was in junior high during the early 90s but at the time I preferred Comedy Central reruns from the late 80s and also Eddie Murphy episodes from before that.

I like how he talks about Phil Hartman's final show and they sing "So Long, Farewell" from THE SOUND OF MUSIC and he's left alone hugging Chris Farley. That's a tearjerker on a lot of levels.

I remember him on The Daily Show making a joke about Steve Irwin who had just died and Jon trying not to laugh saying "Please don't make me laugh at this!"

Norm was great in it: "Here's a song, 'While you were singing I was stabbed in the head by a Puerto Rican!"

People are going to dismiss this but I'm going to give some credit to Jimmy Fallon came on in 1998 for giving the show a shot in the arm. In the Ben Stiller episode when he impersonated Adam Sandler on Celebrity Jeopardy and later on Weekend Update when he played those song parodies you could sense the audience going

I mean it took years for Tim Meadows to finally find his niche on the show with "The Ladies Man" and it was after the cast turnover in 95. And I like Janeane. Too her credit, Molly Shannon said when she joined later that season as a featured player to replace her, Janeane was very nice to her.

I didn't like when Trump hosted but if he gets elected I don't think his hosting SNL will be the reason.

I think it was Rock who said a person's favorite era of SNL was when the one on when they were in junior high.

The season definitely sucked but I don't begrudge them for being pissed. I'm more sympathetic to those guys because it is tough to make it on that show. They were partying hard as the main guys but it was after a couple of years of struggling from the bottom.

People think it's because Lorne likes her that she was on the show a lot but I think it's because she just wrote a LOT of sketches. She said on Letterman a third of which don't even make it on the air. Yeah, they're usually one note(she plays the crazy lady and everyone reacts to her) but her output was tremendous.

He must have mistaken him for Farley's brother who is definitely Republican. He played Michael Moore in AN AMERICAN CAROL.

Again, its a reason why a new castmember should always be someone new, not someone established. They're not expected to jump in right away and appear in a lot of sketches. 1984-85 season with Billy Crystal, Martin Short, etc. was an exception because they were essentially replacing Eddie Murphy who had was the big

People were openly caustic about Simpsons episodes in the mid 90s. Now they're "classic". One of the biggest laughs watching the first Austin Powers movie is Will Ferrell as Mustafa being incinerated by Dr Evil:

And he's more self-effacing than people realize, which is what I like a lot about him.

He did two episodes, first in 1997-1998 season and another in the 1999-2000. The "Who's Most Grizzled" was in 97-98.

I will admit to liking when Damon Wayans hosted(he was notoriously fired in 1985 for going off script) and he did his "Men on Film" gay film critic character Antoine form IN LIVING COLOR but with Chris Farley as Roger Ebert. When Roger Ebert starts to realize he's gay and Antoine helps him"come out" then Farley as

As I posted I think they were making fun of the macho behavior of the police before they went in to spaceship.

SNL just did a really great UFO sketch with host Ryan Gosling and my favorite recent cast member Kate McKinnon. It's basically she plays the abductee of the group who got the raw deal in terms of her experiences:

I remember sketch made a point though of showing how super macho these police guys were acting saying they were "going to kick alien's ass" before they went in. I think they were making fun of that kind of aggro Alpha attitude more than anything.