
I am sick of your goody two-shoes ex-wife,and that stupid little

Yada yada yada John Constantine.

The Zombie Dance ™

There are two type of coffee beans. Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans tend to have a sweeter, softer taste, with tones of sugar, fruit, and berries. Their acidity is higher, with that winey taste that characterizes coffee with excellent acidity. Unfortunately Arabica does have a low percentage (1.2 %) of the drug we

It’s best to use your powers for the greater good. Flying, superspeed, healing factor or invisibility is cool and all but how does this help humanity as a whole? Being a superhero is all about altruism. Helping the powerless

Tattoo is written in reverse so she can read it in the mirror. It says “Never a failure, always a lesson”

Cheryl even faints in style

Roman Catholics believe in creationism as well only not like some fundamentalist protestants who believe that it was done in 7000 years. (officially called young earth creationism)

Yes it’s a thing. It’s the difference between knowing and believing.

“Just wait till you get gout.”

Mt. Diablo High. Name checks out. The devil probably made them lock the gates.

I would have loved it if Axl sang a few lines from Paradise City. Where the grass is green and the rats are pretty.

What she said. Ravi’s dance moves are glorious.

Conspiracy theories 101. Farrakhan argued in his speech “Jewish people control the media and use that influence to increase the number of gay and transgender individuals in the US, said Jewish people control the US government, and claimed the FBI — under Jewish influence — pushed marijuana onto black men to “feminize”

Vampironica got nothing on

O no. Who’s that guy? He has some kind of silly costume. And what’s up with the bats? Luckily it was just an hallucination.

Seriously? They’re a couple and you’re surprised they’re having sex? Other thing: they’re in an enormous cabin and they still choose to be in adjacent bedrooms so they can hear each other having sex? I call BS. Whatever. It sounded like those antique beds with metal springs. Buy some modern box-springs for God’s

People associate masculinity with for example this

When the AC in the studio is broken you need something warmer. It shows less skin but i think the print is a little (too) busy? It’s not really my cup of tea. YMMV.

I’m sure i’m going to love it including the wheel-spinning (i love the smell of burning rubber). I’ll binge the whole thing in one sitting (i love a challenge!) and complain afterwards about my insomnia and high blood sugar caused by excessive use of energy drinks. (i don’t have time to make coffee, damn it)