
No nop, reminders is awesome. Are you not getting the expected results? I add them all the time via voice and they remind me at the date and time I request it to....?

I hate iPhones generally, but the ONLY reason is because I can’t add rows and columns to the home screen or scale icons...WHY won’t Apple allow this? Sure you can jailbreak if there is one but that cat and mouse game gets old and there’s less and less reason to even bother much anymore. There’s just so much wasted

my bigger issue is that someone LIKE this shoop shoop song....scary

if you’re doing a lot of vinyl why not buy an actual vinyl with the proper outputs than pay a service of say 240.00? You keep the player and do it for free and it’ll pay for itelf. It’s very easy to add outputs to import it straight to a PC and you can then tweak the audio and remove static or whatever you want in a

Never ask them often it’s intentional and if so asked a VERY good way to offend them if for some reason they either”

A) don’t finish every single thing on their plate on purpose which many people don’t if it’s more than say, they want

B) it could force them to feel compelled to say they’re watching their weight (if

What’s up with it only being 3 episodes? or is there more to come at 3 at a time and why are they doing it this way if so? I like to binge the entire season. They’re doing it with a few shows, only putting out 3 episodes at once instead of the entire season.

I partitioned my SSD by adding a second 25GB APFS to it so I could not have to worry about downgrading nor screwing up my Mojave install. The Catalina OS is VERY cool but VERY buggy (as it should be, being the 1st beta) Also when installing mine, after the download I got an error message about not being able to verify

Nothing like that new electronic smell! LOVE it!!! lol

That’swhat they should have called it but there was already a movie called that that beat them to the punch but the show was horrible so good riddance

Barf, it was cheesy at best and definitely not funny at all. Very corny and very very dumb. Good riddance what a joke of a show and the title sucked.

LaurenLauren Cohanis awesome and even her sidekick in the show is pretty good as he was pretty good in scandal and she was awesome and The walking Dead of course. This show was horrible. It wasn't funny or entertaining in the slightest and I'm glad they killed it and I actually said they were going to after the first

M8ndless non-entertainment. Good riddance.

Awesome. This show is HORRIBLE. I LOVE THE walking dead woman and the other guy who was in Scandal (sorry not using their names I forget off hand) but this show was beyond silly. Glad they killed it. The name was horrible and had no meaning to the show anyway. Dumb......

The Fact it EVER was a felony charge in states that don’t allow it or marijuana is ABSURD. Sure maybe a ton of it literally for sales, but just having some pot or CBD on you shouldn’t have ever been prosecutable as a felony, how absurd....

Don’t you mean SOME white people or just “PEOPLE” in general without even including a color? I sure as shit am no racist in any way shape or form. Also this mural is awesome and it inspired street gangs to all call a truce cease-fire/violence because of it (I don’t know if that’s still in effect but sure hope it is).

LOVE garlic overcooked actually. We dice t super tiny and almost burn it when I add it into my mushroom and green bean saute dish, very good tasting when almost burnt or “roasted”

Just use the phone and charge as you like. I use my phones daily and I’ve NEVER had a battery actually not charge to 100 or show signs of wear anytime near before I’m going to replace it anyways. I’ve got phones still in perfect order and battery older than 5 years and have zero issues whatsoever charging and holding

Endgame” the new hip word because of The Avengers... I've seen it used in damn near every action superhero film since LOL. I hope it doesn't continue to be a catchphrase LOL

No way. it was awesome and together they make a kick-ass duo. I hope they do many more shows together, The Killing was nothing short of amazing and I hope there's several more seasons to come :-)

Couldn't agree more and just posted the same pretty much. The Killing was EXCELLENT I though. I can't wait for season 2 and I hope a third and fourth etc as well as more shows and or series with them as a crime duo like feds or something because they have awesome chemistry on screen and produced what I thought was a