
HIGHLY doubt it. You’ll prob have to Odin back down to whatever baseband is eligible for the update and then take the OTA update and go through the motions which is actually agood thing since it’ll be the official build. This will force you to have to setup etc and it’ll run much better because of it so look at it as

yep. only MIGHT need to Factory reset if you needed to use Odin to get to the latest update-able baseband for the update.zip to work, otherwise it’s just that, an update. Hell it was so stable and fast I prepared to have to factory reset and enter all my info during Oreo setup but it retained EVERYTHING and ran so

exactly! and you only need to Odin if you aren’t on the latest nougat build for your carrier which I already was so I only had to boot to recovery, install .zip from SD, wait 15 min anddidn’t lose a setting, file, puc or anything whatsoever.vIt was so stable in fact I didn’t even consider factory reset (but did a


Well side loading mine didnt reset a thing. the only reason it’d reset.is if you had to use Odin which if you’d have updated to the latest nougat build first then sideloaded you would have had to factory reset at all. You could have and probably should have done a smart switch backup beforehand to save you the

it also says this is the official release a week early....it’s not released because there could be bugs...more like their servers aren’t ready for the hit and the carriers haven’t bloated it up more like. I’d tell anyone to go for it. Been rooting and romming since 2008 and have been on XDA as an RC since. Not to brag

Not a single issue with anything. took 10mins and my S8+ hasn’t ran better. I wouldn’t be so quick to say what you said. This is very possibly the official release according to Android authority for the s8/+

wrong! who told you that? 8t depends on what baseband you’re running already as the instructions say.. ....mine didn’t reset to factory whatsoever .....

Yep, I had one that way similar to Molly’s (just a tiny puncture) and 2 hours later looks like I had been punching a wall for an hour straight it ballooned up 4 times it’s size and I was told very as a matter of fact that I waited too long to get to the ER and they would do what they could and hopefully I wouldn’t

so you’ve actually got into several crashes? lol...you speak like you’ve been in a ton of crashes or issues and got hurt

he’s ALWAYS sucked as an actor. EXTREMELY overrated and now just a flat out pig. I knew I didn’t like him for a reason and always thought he was a f-ing creeper. Now I know he is...what a douchebag. He’s always had some overrated ego, why I’ll never k ow and he’s always been a shit actor. I hope he ends up in prison.

TRUE, think about it. You can go one way in a car with a friend or wait for an ambulance to get to you THEN get you to the hospital on a 2-way trip..I think I’ll take a friend who can drive hauling ass first if I’m close and it’s not seeming fatal. The only good in waiting is if you need care in the field and on the

And would be a total dick for doing so too!

I disagree with the no lowballers....there are scum out there that prey on peoples financial problem and lowball the shit out of you so I make it very well known if I’m selling something it isn’t because I’m looking for fast cash, and I’m only selling it because I have another or don’t need it etc like a laptop or

Not actually much more difficult than going to the DMV though...you walk in they sit you down, you sing a few papers give them the cash and then go transfer the title....it’d prob take a couple hours which would be completely acceptable for a purchase this size. My brand new car buying experience took a whole day

My penis size is fine. I’ll pass, don’t need no over compensation here.

Gotcha, Thank You! I don’t think it needed new or more insulation because I know they checked it when they went on the initial bid of job etc, so I was just curious. Thanks for the answer :-)

Gotcha, Thank You! I don’t think it needed new or more insulation because I know they checked it when they went on

How much can these actually save you on a heating bill? I mean I do have an infrared 4-element(?) heater cold to touch in the bedroom so I don’t have to turn the entire house on to heat up bedroom but I haven’t really found a good way to see what the actual savings are, we plastic our windows and also hang sheets to

How much can these actually save you on a heating bill? I mean I do have an infrared 4-element(?) heater cold to

KEEP UP! ;-)

KEEP UP! ;-)

I actually understand that but I’m saying that yes, it’s asinine to buy any of it for that much....

I actually understand that but I’m saying that yes, it’s asinine to buy any of it for that much....