
Chicken in a biscuit are pretty damn good too!!!!!

Ritz with cream cheese a small canned oyster and some drops of sriracha on it and shove the whole thing in your mouth...delicious.. (if you like canned oysters, clams or whatever...) fresh too but that’s expensive.


I zip tie them together and put them in my boots and stuff them in a box up in the closet with a scarf and hat etc....right above where I hang my winter coat so its all there in winter...

I LOVE them...I was VERY surprised the sounded as good as they did for the price....and I can use them in either living or bedroom if wife’s sleeping via BT on Android TB or Amazon Firestick so yeah....CHEAP and awesome lol ;-) +1
And 3500+ 4 star reviews says they’re probably pretty good and they don’t feel cheap at

I LOVE them...I was VERY surprised the sounded as good as they did for the price....and I can use them in either

Pretty hilarious that no one with any talent or mainstream attention or that has done anything recent wants anything to do with this clown Ball....lol....what a moron....Trump you should take notes.....you still ow many contractors money including a little girls dance team. shame on you. you suck and I hope you get

I’ve honestly never got Google Voice or the point of it, that might sound lame I know but can someone nicely explain what I’d want one for? Pros/cons and daily life with it? Thanks :-) I always want it or hear good thing about it I should say but I know not much about it and have Googled it but want a real world

And have all that extra cord and the strip itself? I’m sure these have passed fire safety regulations.....these are much cleaner and nicer and nearly every new “smart house” has them all over the place....I think they’ll probably be fine of they wouldn’t be recommended

And have all that extra cord and the strip itself? I’m sure these have passed fire safety regulations.....these are

Today you could sue your parents for that probably lol

Tell your doctor that now lol....they barely prescribe pain killers or codeine anymore because of all the abuse. If you haven’t broken something or are bleeding profusely it’s a crap shoot and the minute you ask for something for the pain they assume your a drug seeker or show drug seeking behavior...such

why is everything being called PIXEL now? it’s confusing as shit. get creative people and quit using someone else shit as yours. How about something unique to the actual product like oh I dunno PiOS ? or Pi-OS or something but anything other than what already exists....dumb......

if they have BO I do suggest deodorant you bet. Call it what you will I’m not out to make new friends but I will drop a hint like it or not. I’m offended by it and it’s disgusting.

LOL...trust me if you need deodorant and you’re near me you’ll hear about it. period. there’s no excuse for smelling like an armpit. and Thank you. Your disgusting if you don’t wear deodorant and walk around wreaking up the grocery store too.

THANK YOU! I’m one of those “assholes” that WILL say something to someone with body odor, period. They may not like it and I’ll usually be casual about it unless the guy is bigger and a mean mo-fo looking dude but I’m not afraid to tell someone when they have body odor and deodorant is at minimum a buck at the dollar

I think it’s the opposite but both...too....your bed is full of ickies you can’t see so not showering in the am and getting dressed in clean clothes eeebs me out but I usually shower at night if I had a crazy run around all day, out in public, sweating etc but definitely in the am no if’s ands or butts about it ;-)

Firs off, it take me literally 5 mins to very cleanly shower if I haul ass but I’ll always do it no matter how late I’m running. it’s better than nothing but I’ll get just as clean in 5 mins as I would in 10-20mins...hot water, jump in, hair first so the shampoo dripping down can only help even more, soap up a washrag

yeah it’s kinda cool The S7 Edge can do it without sacrificing performance in the way mentioned here or if you choose ultra power savings so you get like 2-3 days battery it’ll turn off all color but also throttles everything waaaaaay down, turns off a bunch of stuff, wifi, Bluetooth etc to achieve this so the way in

S7 does...pull down the notifications bar and hit ultra power saving ;-) I know you mean on the fly as an option, not to go into power saving..that’d be kinda cool but if you’re rooted you can almost achieve this...it won’t go greyscale I don’t think but there’s an Xposed mod that can turn the whole screen warm or

this is what power saver does (the extreme version on some/most Samsung phones such as S7 Edge/regular and others but it’s ugly and I honestly don’t see many people using it daily (unless they’re purposely saving battery) but most I’d say prob 70% of the population that have smartphones wouldn’t do this. no clue on

bingo! people need to quit giving a shit what other people think and quit thinking they have to keep up with the jones’ F the jones’ they’re usually snobs.