

ok but why please? Ive read MANY conflicting reports some even saying not to use one at all if you have 16+ GB So that’s why I’m asking is there a “best setting” or one that will make things run the best/fastest they can by editing it? I run Win 10 16GB DDR3 FYI

on the paging subject I see there’s always a minimum and maximum and recommended setting....what is a good fast min and max with a 3.4GHz I5 with 16GB DDR3? TIA

Agreed. I DO have 16GB but it’s a bit overkill bt I got it on sale and wasn’t sure what the newer demanding games and apps were going to really love for ram when I built my quad-core i5 4GB DDR5 video card gaming rig so I opted for 4x4GB memory to fill all 4 slots with equal spec’d ram but yeah, 8GB on any laptop is

Nyquil, private jet or simply don’t. That’s it.

when I say don’t hide taskbar icons it still hides some of them no matter the setting, I’ve toggled it a few times but no do any ideas anyone?

That’s what I mean sour/bitter. pretty much the same thing. nearly identical

Personally I like it, When I joined a couple years ago it was under a promotion where you got 300 GB free until Dec. 2016 so I have damn near everything I own (installers, apps, backups etc in my one drive and one I lost my external harddrive and bought another one it was a godsend to have them backed up in new drive,

Retrain her...open her icon and then retrain the voice and go through the toggles, this happened to me one a week or so ago but after I retrained her it’s been perfect. :-)

Not necessarily. I lost TWO 3TB WD my Books in 3 months and was so pissed I didn’t even replace under warranty for fear its just happen again, now I run TWO 4TB Toshiba Canivo usb 3.0 one backing up the other and they’ve been perfect.

Agree! why people can’t simply keep a jar with a lid in their car so their butts can go into it and then seal it so it won’t smell up car instead of throwing them out the windows is beyond me. I was at a red light and the guy in front of me tossed one out so I jumped out and threw it back at him and asked “does your

Bingo, exactly the same for me so I just don’t. MAYBE a glass of wine with sushi or a nice dinner but that’s it.... +1

True but I never drank enough to where my lives was/is affected, but thanks for the info. +1

LOL! So true in most cases....go from life f=of the party, having fun etc to full-on asshole wanting to fight the entire party lol +1

Good point but no, I don’t +1

agree to disagree, I definitely feel like shit when allergic to something but thanks,. +1

Agreed, premium beer when I drank has little if no side effects regarding stomach issues etc. +1


Great idea, I CAN drink a beverage with Vodka in it (occasionally) but it’s rare. +1

Same here, BLECH!!!! +1