If you have issues even doing one, you seriously need to get out more and exercise even just a little bit, that’s crazy sounding to me but I know it exists and especially if you’re a heavier person or recovering from an injury etc.
If you have issues even doing one, you seriously need to get out more and exercise even just a little bit, that’s crazy sounding to me but I know it exists and especially if you’re a heavier person or recovering from an injury etc.
yeah great call on Mom! My mother contracted staff infection two separate times when having a knee and then a hip replacement. ugh! The infection was worse than the hip surgery (the recovery time, as far as meds and stuff go).....sucky.
Great article! My mother who had a knee replacement and a hip replacement a couple years apart got staff infection from each hospital, it’s pretty common that this happens so you have to be cautious and know it exists definitely.
There’s many methods, most if not all involving heat but if just slightly rusted a good clean with non-abrasive cleaner and then you oil them and bake them a bit, it’s pretty easy but depends on the pan, if it’s old and perhaps antique but cracked etc. you can find local people who actually will weld and restore them,…
But that’s assuming you can GET a credit card which many people who use rent to own places can’t and why they are at Rena a centers to begin with.
They should be illegal I think. I tried it years ago on a stereo system and you pay of the loan first then start paying on the items retail value and it’ll cost about 3-5 times as much.
This might help...
I had to reinstall on my NEW PC because I upgraded motherboard and CPU and simply re-downloaded the iso and used my key, it’ll prompt you to call and 800 number and will ask for a series of numbers from your computer that’ll be auto filled and then tell you when to enter the license key and voila!…
oh yes, cash talks bigtime with almost any hotel....
mainly because of the sugar content in most liquors.
This is full integrated to Dropbox now too and if you have an outlook or hotmail account etc it’ll also sync up. I like it better actually now. It’ll see dropbox, onedrive, Google Drive, Box and several others (sharepoint is one of them) and of course local storage both internal and MicroSD etc.
It takes about 14-16GB fully updated and unpacked etc. (Or did for me anyway) so I wouldn’t install on anything too small or you won’t have room for anything BUT the OS.....Here’s what the Google says: 16GB
I liked you until the “I hate Bacon” comment. Now I don’t like you and we can’t play together anymore.
He looks nothing like Paul Rudd. His face is a much longer shape. Good lord people...
thats not my point, it’s the leg out the window that’s my point other than no one wants to see ugly feet anyways
There are many alternatives to alcohol but it really does work the best imo. I’ve tried some even mentioned here as alternatives that aren’t that great or taste “off” a bit. Most of the time you use it once a day where alcohol from it certainly isn’t going to do any more damage (and probably less) than most foods like…
There are many alternatives to alcohol but it really does work the best imo. I’ve tried some even mentioned here as…
I told the cops I was my twin brother once (actually I’m a triplet) because I had a FTA (failure to appear) but not suspended yet and just didn’t know at the time what the penalty was (I know I know, but I was 17 and dumb...but went to court and told the judge they had got all my info wrong somehow since it was under…
Agreed! No insurance and driving while license is suspended need to have much stiffer penalties imo. Too often the victim has to go through a ton of shit if hit by some jackass with no/suspended license and no insurance. It should be a mandatory 90+ days in jail no exception (unless it’s a clerical error of course and…
GREAT pint and it happened to me in SoCal. I has WA. state plates on for almost a year and got a ticket for it, it was a simple “fix-it” ticket so it was dropped once I showed proof of registration to the court clerk. Didn’t even have to go in a courtroom. +1
yep. Ive heard of this especially in So Cal. The average speed is 75-80 on the freeway. 65 is a hazard to everyone. +1