
This is the most egregious thing I've ever heard of. She is diving head first into exploitation, and ridiculous childish stupidity. SMHSMHSMHSMH.............

Oh, you don't know the half of it. But at least your eyes have been opened— a little.

If POC were represented "fairly enough" as you say, then actors of color would have an even playing field with white actors, and there would be no whitewashing in Hollywood. That is how POC would be represented "fairly enough". There would be no imbalance.

There is something wrong here. I did not mean to keep repeating some of my comment. I think there's some kind of hacker or something, because I never copy and pasted anything at all. Gawker, GET ON IT!!!

Oh you should go on youtube, and see the interviews where they tell the story of how they got the ideas for the script. They are two CRAZY individuals.

Black actors are represented “fairly enough”....... Huh, what planet are you from, and when did you land here on Earth?

Oh. So that's why you see Hawaiian/Samoan actors killin' it out there, all over the place, and he's the only one that can't act, huh. If you think that, then you think that Dwayne Johnson is the only Samoan actor that CAN act. You're wrong on both counts.

Cliff is a great pick, but I have decided on trying to get Taika Waititi. He is not very well known here in the US, but I worked with him (briefly) before on a project, and seen some of his other work, and he is extraordinarily talented, and not to mention HILARIOUS.

You are so close. You are so FREKKIN close. It's Taika Waititi.

Then you don’t wanna see the 8 minutes they have on youtube. The only POC you see in the entire movie (I’m sure), is in the first 1:40. In 8 MINUTES, they just get 1:40.

Only someone who actually CARES, would've said something, and turned the role down.

All the words you just said.......


SHE'S 51?!!!

OMGosh , Jason Momoa has said it time and again, that Hollywood just doesn't know what to do with him because of his mixed race. What you said is ABSOLUTELY true. I'm trying to write a comedy screenplay with him and a Maori New Zealander actor/comedian as the leads right now. I know I probably wouldn't get that far

First of all, what planet are you on? And were you born May 31st 2015?

I agree, except that he's in his mid-30's, so he's a Generation Y, not a millennial. Millenials are today's teens and tweens.

I love that movie Frank. It's so different.

Thanks. VERY informative.

By the way, Zach Braff's Kickstarter for "Wish You Were Here" would like to thank you.